People visit their library branch for a variety of reasons. Some come in search of the latest installment of Rebecca ...
Digital resources for libraries keep Gen Z and millennial patrons engaged
In our increasingly switched-on society, it's tempting to assume that younger generations are more interested in ...
Charting a course: navigating hospitality trends for 2024 and beyond
As we head into a new year, the global hospitality sector once again finds itself at a pivotal moment. The entire hotel ...
This holiday season, make your property a reading retreat for hotel guests
In the brisk embrace of winter, as snowflakes descend gently and soundlessly from the sky, and as the air turns crisp ...
Corporate wellness programs: nurturing a healthy workforce
Napoleon once observed that an army marches on its stomach. Actually, he probably didn't really say that, but no ...
A new dimension: augmented reality in libraries
Since the dawn of the written word, libraries have played an instrumental role in humanity's quest for knowledge and ...
From ink to internet: journalism's evolving tapestry
In this kaleidoscope of events, one might wonder where journalism ends and history begins. Perhaps they're two sides of ...
Enable your bleisure guests to stay up to date on their business trips
If there's one thing you can count on in the ever-evolving world of business travel, it's that someone is always going ...
The art of storytelling in hospitality: how narratives enhance guest engagement
If you've spent any time on social media platforms over the past couple of years, you have no doubt encountered the ...