We're on a mission to improve the way people discover stories that matter.

How Landvetter Airport Hotel redesigned their offering to improve guest experience

Around the world, across different languages and cultures, leading hotels have one fundamental thing in common: their ...

Why are hotels facing a labor shortage in 2022?

In part, it's because COVID-19 forced a shift in priorities for many hospitality workers

One-stop online information services for academic libraries

A look at some of the electronic resources that have become an essential part of library services

The importance of library resources in boosting the workforce

Many libraries offer free resources for patrons in search of employment

Seven ways to plan your hotel budget in times of inflation

With the industry still recovering, here are a few things to consider this budget season

How digital information technology has helped academic libraries survive

Librarians prepare for the future by accelerating their adoption of different technologies The deserted library? With ...

How hotels can get ahead of the hospitality worker shortage in 2022

Today, opening your news app means reading at least one story about the obstacles travelers face. Perhaps they’re ...

Planning your 2022 hotel budget? Here are 5 new things to consider (FREE TEMPLATE)

With the hotel business still in recovery, there's more to consider this budget season than just balancing expenses and ...

How technology has changed education in academic institutions

High-tech innovation has transformed higher learning, from the lecture hall to the library and beyond Because it has ...