The Zimbabwe Independent

Creative Business Studio returns for third cohort


CREATIVE Business Studio, a programme for African visual storytelle­rs and creative organisati­ons, returns for its third cohort, scheduled to run from September 23 to October 31, the organisers have announced.

e six-week virtual programme is curated by Unpublishe­d Africa, a social impact platform dedicated to supporting emerging African visual storytelle­rs.

e creative platform seeks to support artists and other creatives to profession­alise their expertise. rough the Creative Business Studio, it provides essential tools and knowledge to photograph­ers who are looking to build sustainabl­e businesses.

According to a statement released earlier this week, participan­ts will have the opportunit­y to improve their creative businesses with the support of industry experts, business strategist­s and programme mentors. Creatives in the programme can expect to get expert mentorship where business and creative industry profession­als will share their expertise and provide guidance.

Besides encouragin­g networking opportunit­ies that allow creatives to connect, collaborat­e and share ideas, the programme will provide hands-on learning where participan­ts will engage in practical exercises and projects to apply their knowledge.

rough the first and second cohorts, creatives from nine African countries, including Kenya, Ghana, Nigeria, South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe have been able to learn how to improve their creative businesses and set a foundation for themselves to access more opportunit­ies.

e programme culminates in a publicatio­n titled Africa Published, which is exclusive to participan­ts and collaborat­ors, previous cohorts contribute­d work that showcased their interpreta­tion of the United Nations Sustainabl­e Developmen­t Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth.

e third cohort is open to African photograph­ers and visual storytelle­rs over the age of 18 who are looking to improve their creative business in an African context. e registrati­on deadline for the programme closes today and interested photograph­ers and creative organisati­ons can apply by visiting­b5gueda/shrvqxjnul­xoq6fmt.

Unpublishe­d Africa is the brainchild of local brand strategist and content marketer Anesu Chikumba. She told Independen­txtra that they are committed to fostering a supportive community where creatives can connect, collaborat­e and thrive and encouraged aspiring African photograph­ers to take advantage of the programme.

“As the founder of Unpublishe­d Africa, I am incredibly excited to announce the launch of our third Creative Business Studio cohort. We have witnessed firsthand the transforma­tive impact this programme has had on the careers of emerging African photograph­ers. By providing them with the essential business workshops and mentorship, we empower them to start thinking like creative entreprene­urs and not just creatives,” Chikumba said.

Unpublishe­d Africa collaborat­es with storytelle­rs to find new and creative ways of uncovering and telling the African story while providing a space for like-minded creatives to build a community that encourages collaborat­ion, curiosity and confidence. It is committed to fostering the growth and developmen­t of photograph­ers in Africa. rough its various programmes and initiative­s, the organisati­on provides opportunit­ies for creatives to showcase their work, connect with industry profession­als and contribute to the visual storytelli­ng landscape.

 ?? ?? Unpublishe­d Africa founder Anesu Chikumba
Unpublishe­d Africa founder Anesu Chikumba

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