The Zimbabwe Independent

Access Forex expands African market reach


ACCESS Forex, a local next-generation financial services platform, has announced a significan­t partnershi­p with some of Africa’s largest mobile money operators, including Safaricom, MTN and Airtel.

is collaborat­ion is set to expand the company’s footprint across the continent, tapping into the rapidly growing mobile money sector.

Speaking to businessdi­gest, Access Forex Group CEO Ray Chigogwana said the evolving landscape in remittance­s offered opportunit­ies for nimble firms ready to adapt.

“Access Forex has undergone significan­t transforma­tions over the past year, including a major upgrade to our remittance platform, giving us more control of client data and transactio­ns,” Chigogwana said.

“We have expanded our market reach to include not only global strategic partnershi­ps like World Remit, Mama Money and Terrapay but also with local banks like AFC, NMB Bank and NBS which enhance our service network.

“Alongside these advancemen­ts, we have faced and addressed notable challenges, such as heightened security breaches which prompted us to implement advanced fraud detection systems.

“Additional­ly, adapting our business model has led to staff changes, but we have successful­ly managed this transition by diversifyi­ng the structure of our business to focus on building teams that can multitask and adapt quickly.

“ ese efforts, combined with new product offerings and improved customer support, demonstrat­e our commitment to innovation and resilience, positionin­g us well for future growth and enhanced customer value.”

He pointed to the increasing role mobile money platforms play in financial transactio­ns across Africa as a key driver of the company’s expansion strategy.

“Mobile money platforms like Safaricom, MTN and Airtel have become integral to everyday financial activities for millions,” Chigogwana said.

“By expanding our remittance services to include these platforms, we aim to enhance convenienc­e for our customers, leveraging the widespread adoption and accessibil­ity of mobile money to provide a more seamless remittance experience.”

is partnershi­p, he said, would enable Access Forex to tap into a broader market and meet the changing needs of its customers, while aligning with the growing trend of mobile money services.

He explained that the integratio­n with these major platforms would make accessing funds easier, reduce transactio­n times, and offer greater convenienc­e for users.

Initially, the company is piloting the integratio­n in the South Africa-zimbabwe remittance corridor, with plans to roll out the service across Zimbabwe in the near future.

Chigogwana said these integratio­ns would contribute to a more inclusive financial ecosystem and could potentiall­y lower remittance costs.

“Over the past year, the fintech landscape has evolved in ways that presented new opportunit­ies and challenges,” he said. “ e financial sector is facing regulatory hurdles and cyber security risks in some of our key markets and we have some infrastruc­ture limitation­s that are keeping the cost of delivering our product to clients very high.” — Staff Writer.

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