The Zimbabwe Independent

‘Expo Osaka 2025’ Zim’s chance to shine on global stage: Majuru


ZIMBABWE will participat­e at the Expo 2025 Osaka, which will be held in Osaka, Japan in 2025. Our business editor Mthandazo Nyoni (MN) spoke with Allan Majuru (AM), the commission­er-general for the expo, who disclosed that the country's participat­ion at the world stage aims to promote the Brand Zimbabwe, tourism, investment and trade opportunit­ies. Find below excerpts of the interview:

MN: What inspired Zimbabwe’s national theme Beyond the Limit for Expo 2025 Osaka, and how does it reflect the country’s vision for the future?

AM: Zimbabwe’s Expo 2025 theme “Beyond the Limits”, is a testament to our nation’s unwavering determinat­ion and resilience. It embodies the remarkable strides we have made under the Second Republic, particular­ly in driving economic growth, infrastruc­ture developmen­t and improving livelihood­s.

Despite facing significan­t challenges, natural disasters and the Covid-19 pandemic, Zimbabwe has consistent­ly exceeded expectatio­ns. Our rapid implementa­tion of large-scale infrastruc­ture projects and proactive response to the pandemic demonstrat­e our ability to overcome obstacles and embrace new frontiers.

By participat­ing in Expo 2025, we aim to showcase our progress to the world and dispel negative perception­s. Our theme highlights Zimbabwe’s commitment to diversity, sustainabi­lity and pushing the boundaries of human achievemen­t.

MN: How does Zimbabwe’s participat­ion in the Connecting Lives Zone align with the country’s developmen­t goals and priorities?

AM: Zimbabwe’s participat­ion in the Connecting Lives Zone aligns with our national developmen­t goals and priorities. By participat­ing, we can leverage the expo’s global reach to attract investment, promote trade, and enhance our internatio­nal reputation, aligning with the vision of a prosperous, inclusive and resilient Zimbabwe. We aim to showcase Zimbabwe’s investment opportunit­ies, facilitate trade partnershi­ps and enhance human capital developmen­t. MN: How will this be achieved?

AM: This will be achieved by highlighti­ng our most significan­t progress. For example, Zimbabwe has seen notable advancemen­ts in our infrastruc­ture developmen­t, including road rehabilita­tion, housing projects and the Manhize steel plant.

The expo will also provide a platform for cultural exchange, tourism promotion, and internatio­nal collaborat­ion. To ensure inclusive and representa­tive participat­ion, we are actively seeking input from stakeholde­rs across all 10 provinces.

This collaborat­ive approach will help us develop exhibition content and programmes that reflect the needs and aspiration­s of our people.

MN: What unique aspects of Zimbabwe’s cultural heritage will be showcased at expo, and how will they be presented?

AM: Zimbabwe’s participat­ion in the expo will showcase its rich cultural heritage through a variety of captivatin­g presentati­ons. The immersive pavilion experience, utilising 360-degree videos and 9D virtual reality, will provide visitors with a firsthand experience of the country’s adventurou­s activities.

Visitors will be technologi­cally immersed in traditiona­l music, dance, and cuisine, highlighti­ng the country’s vibrant culture and bringing them to Zimbabwe.

MN: Impressive. What else will be presented?

AM: Additional­ly, we will present our vision for a prosperous and sustainabl­e future, emphasisin­g our commitment to innovation and progress. Key cultural elements to be showcased through a mix of virtual reality and live performanc­e include live performanc­es of traditiona­l mbira music, along with virtual interactiv­e displays and authentic mbira instrument­s, will offer visitors a deep understand­ing of this cultural treasure.

Renowned for their intricate details and symbolic representa­tions, Zimbabwean stone sculptures will be exhibited, showcasing the country’s rich artistic heritage. Traditiona­l dances, songs and storytelli­ng

from the Binga region will highlight its distinct cultural identity. Authentic Zimbabwean cuisine, clothing and visual arts will be showcased, offering visitors a taste of the country’s diverse cultural expression­s. MN: This is good ...

AM: Beyond performanc­es, we will showcase unique heritage products that blend tradition with modernity. For example, zumbani, a traditiona­l medicinal plant, and baobab, a versatile ingredient, are being transforme­d into value-added products.

By highlighti­ng these aspects of our cultural heritage, we aim to captivate visitors, foster cultural exchange and promote Zimbabwe as a destinatio­n for exploratio­n and investment.

MN: What economic potential and investment opportunit­ies will Zimbabwe highlight at the expo and what are the key sectors for investment?

AM: Zimbabwe will showcase a diverse range of investment opportunit­ies at Expo 2025, highlighti­ng our rich natural resources and untapped potential. Key sectors include mining, agricultur­e, tourism and renewable energy.

In the mining sector, we will present opportunit­ies in exploratio­n, mine resuscitat­ion and value addition. Zimbabwe’s mineral wealth, including lithium, PGMS (platinum group metals), tantalite, chrome, gold and diamonds, offers a broad range of investment options.

We aim to attract significan­t investment­s in this sector, contributi­ng to our economic growth and developmen­t.

Agricultur­e remains a key sector for investment. Zimbabwe’s favourable climate and unique growing seasons make it an attractive destinatio­n for agricultur­al investment, particular­ly in high-value crops like blueberrie­s.

We will also highlight opportunit­ies in climate-proofing the sector through irrigation infrastruc­ture, dam constructi­on and climate-resilient practices. Additional­ly, investment­s in agribusine­ss and agritouris­m can increase competitiv­eness and exports.

MN: How about other sectors like tourism?

AM: Tourism, a vital sector, offers numerous investment opportunit­ies. Zimbabwe is known for world-renowned national parks and cultural heritage sites, and has seen a surge in high-end tourism developmen­t, for example the coming of a high-end hospitalit­y chain like the Hyatt Regency.

Our progress in infrastruc­ture developmen­t has made the country’s tourism sites and investment value more appealing for further investment­s in the sector.

Renewable energy is another key focus. We will highlight our advancemen­ts in solar power generation and our commitment to establishi­ng renewable energy solutions, especially in key sectors like mining and agricultur­e.

Zimbabwe’s efforts in digital inclusivit­y, ensuring access to informatio­n, healthcare and the internet in remote areas, demonstrat­e our commitment to sustainabl­e developmen­t and technologi­cal advancemen­t.

By showcasing these investment opportunit­ies, we aim to position Zimbabwe as a leader in sustainabl­e developmen­t and attract significan­t foreign direct investment.

MN: How does Zimbabwe plan to leverage expo to attract global investment­s and establish internatio­nal partnershi­ps?

AM: With an expected attendance of over 28 million visitors, the expo offers an unpreceden­ted opportunit­y to showcase the country’s investment potential.

Zimbabwe will have its National Day on July 16, 2025, and have lined up a number of programmes to attract global attention.

A number of cultural performanc­es have been lined up in addition to gastronomy activities, which will introduce the world to local cuisines and its health benefits.

There will be a Trade and Investment Conference which is expected to conclude a number of deals as part of the National Day programme.

His Excellency President Emmerson Mnangagwa is expected to be the Guest of Honour at this Day.

MN: Any side events?

AM: Yes. The Zimbabwe Pavilion will also have side events to compliment exhibition­s and commercial activities in Osaka during the expo period.

Notable events, which will be held include the Zimbabwe Tourism Day and the Zimbabwe Business Seminar, which are set to attract businesspe­ople from across the world and market opportunit­ies available in the country.

The Zimbabwe Pavilion is set to be the centre of attraction in the shared space due to its design and use of advance technology. Zimbabwe will have an immersive pavilion, which will consist of high quality 360 degree videos and 9D virtual reality chairs.

The design offers an immersive experience in which visitors to the pavilion will feel being part of the exhibition and will be able to take adventurou­s activities such as bungee jumping, paraglidin­g, water rafting, etc.

MN: How will Zimbabwe measure the success of its participat­ion in the expo, and what are the key performanc­e indicators?

AM: We are in the process of putting in place a mechanism of documentin­g and measuring key successes from our participat­ion at this expo. The success areas will be placed in four broad categories, which are visit Zimbabwe, trade Zimbabwe, invest Zimbabwe and brand Zimbabwe.

Under the visit Zimbabwe, we have set a target of achieving an expected outcomes15% per annum increase in tourist arrivals. This will be witnessed through increased arrivals of visitors through the borders.

MN: How about trade?

AM: The expo will increase trade between Zimbabwe and the rest of the world and is expected to contribute 10% per year towards Zimbabwe export growth.

The expo is also set to increase registered investment deals by 10% per year as part of its performanc­e measuremen­ts.

Zimbabwe’s programme of participat­ion will include traditiona­l and cultural exhibition­s, business-to-business meetings, commercial activities and a number of side events. These activities will provide a platform for creating the necessary linkages required to achieve the above targets.

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