The Zimbabwe Independent

Manhize produces first pig iron in test runs


A CHINESE firm constructi­ng a massive steel plant at Manhize near Mvuma has successful­ly produced pig iron during test runs, as it gears up for the official launch.

Dinson Iron and Steel Company, a unit of the Fortune 500-ranked Tsingshan Holding Group, began the constructi­on of this large facility in 2022, committing an investment of US$1,5 billion.

Wilfred Motsi, projects manager at the firm, said: “We have started production of pig iron. We are carrying out test runs. Pig iron is a raw material used to produce steel billet, which we will start manufactur­ing this week.

“These steel billets are the ones which will be used to make different steel products. This is the one which we will sell at the market.

“We are looking forward to pour in more investment as we expand the plant up to Phase 4. Right now, we don’t have the exact figure of the investment we will add as we are still working on the modalities,” he added.

Last week, Hwange Colliery Company Limited (HCCL), now HCCL Holdings, announced that it had signed a contract mining deal with Dinson.

This agreement is part of HCCL'S recovery efforts under its reconstruc­tion scheme and allows Dinson to exploit significan­t HCCL coalfields in north-western Zimbabwe. At the current extraction rate, about five million tonnes of coal will be mined over five years at a site referred to as the "Dinson Pits."

For the Manhize steel operation, this deal presents an opportunit­y to secure high-quality stockpiles of coking coal ahead of its launch.

“When you are in the business of mining, the norm is to buy excavators, trucks,” acting managing director, William Gambiza told reporters during a tour of the firm’s operations in Hwange.

“But there comes a moment when you realise running the fleet will no longer be giving you any benefit, and you no longer have capacity to meet your targets.

“The alternativ­e is to look for someone with the capacity to do it for you. We have outsourced to a company with capacity to do it on our behalf.

“We realised we unlock value if we restrict ourselves to business planning and processing. In terms of actual (opencast) mining, we are outsourcin­g to contractor­s.

“The advantage is that your unit costs (decline) and in terms of capacity you are guaranteed that they will deliver.

“When it comes to undergroun­d mining, we do it ourselves because it is more risky,” he added.

Another HCCL executive emphasized the importance of taking a proactive approach to guarantee sufficient shipments to Manhize.

“Dinson, as we have said, is one of our key customers, so the coking coal that we produce from this pit is acquired by Dinson,” Gambiza said.

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