The Zimbabwe Independent

ZNCC concludes successful AGM


THE Zimbabwe National Chamber of Commerce (ZNCC) next annual congress will run from June 25 to 27, 2025, after successful­ly holding this year’s edition in the resort town of Victoria Falls, last month.

is year’s edition of the just ended congress was held from June 26 to 28 and ran under the theme “Unlocking New Frontiers for Sustainabl­e Industrial­isation & Climate Smart Business Growth”.

e congress explored innovative strategies for driving economic prosperity while ensuring environmen­tal sustainabi­lity. It highlighte­d the importance of energy efficiency, renewable energy, climate smart business practices, and collaborat­ive solutions.

e congress saw the chamber electing its Mashonalan­d vice-president, Tapiwa Karoro, as its new president, replacing Mike Kamungerem­u. Karoro is deputised by Josephine Takundwa, who took over the role from Charlton Chimbira.

ZNCC’S premium annual event also charted a course towards a greener, more resilient future for the nation’s economy at a time when the country is being battered by climate change.

“Steered by the highly energetic event directors Linda Muriro and Herbert Mazonde the proceeding­s commenced with the acknowledg­ement of distinguis­hed delegates that included inter alia the guest of honour, the Minister of Industry and Commerce, Nqobizitha Mangaliso Ndlovu,” ZNCC said, in post congress statement.

Other members of the presidium include Tinashe Mutarisi who became the chambers vice-president for Mashonalan­d, Beauty Bhulu (vice-president Matabelela­nd), Tendai Chitowa (vice-president Manicaland), Lamulani Sithole (vice-president Midlands) and Christophe­r Mugaga (CEO).

Branch chairperso­ns elected were Ephraim Chawoneka who will lead Harare, Kapuya Blessing Chafesuka (Mutare), Gerald Zhou (Bulawayo), and Blessing Mamombe (Gweru).

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 ?? ?? New ZNCC vice-president Josephine Takundwa takes oath of office.
New ZNCC vice-president Josephine Takundwa takes oath of office.

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