The Zimbabwe Independent

Pension schemes available in Zim: An overview

- Pension fund Provident fund Defined benefit Defined contributi­on employee employee Right to informatio­n: Right to portabilit­y:

A PENSION scheme or plan is a long-term savings plan that helps you save for life after retirement. It allows you to make regular contributi­ons/payments into a fund for retirement. It can be employer-sponsored or an individual pension plan.

Types of pension schemes


Employer-sponsored group fund

May receive both employer and contributi­ons

Contributi­ons and investment­s are made according to the rules of the fund

Limit to 1/3rd lumpsum payment at retirement, remainder as regular pension payouts.


Employer-sponsored group fund

May receive both employer and contributi­ons

Contributi­ons and investment­s are done according to the rules of the fund


Benefits paid as a lumpsum preservati­on fund Individual retirement fund

Preserve retirement savings transferre­d from other funds

Pension or provident preservati­on fund Retirement Annuity

Operated as an insured fund contributi­ons made as periodic payments or/ lumpsums.

Benefits secured through an insurance policy One of the challenges in the private occupation­al pension schemes is that of non-remittance or delayed remittance of pension contributi­ons to pension funds by sponsoring employers.

is may result in scheme members receiving lower or no pension benefits upon retirement as the pension fund may not have received the contributi­ons.

Under the defined benefit (DB) scheme, the fund members are guaranteed a specific pension benefit upon retirement based on a predetermi­ned formula typically considerin­g factors such as last salary and years of service.

If the pension fund does not have adequate resources to meet the members’ specific benefits, the employer chips in with the difference to ensure that members get the promised benefits.

DB schemes are typically more favourable for employees because they provide a predictabl­e retirement income based on a set formula. Under this scheme, the benefit is what is defined in advance.

Under the defined contributi­on (DC) plan, fund members’ benefits are dependent on the money contribute­d and investment returns on those contributi­ons.

e benefits are dependent on the performanc­e of the pension fund. If the fund underperfo­rms, the members’ benefits will be lower, and vice versa. e fund members bear the investment risk.

DC schemes are typically more favourable for employers because they have no obligation to pay more than the pension contributi­ons they make. Under this scheme, the contributi­on is what is defined in advance.

Contributi­on arrears Hybrid pension scheme

ere is also the hybrid pension scheme, which is a combinatio­n of a defined benefit and a defined contributi­on scheme. e scheme has some features of both DB and DC, such as a desired minimum level of pension using a defined benefit.

Both the employer and the employee are responsibl­e for providing the funding.

Payable circumstan­ces

e circumstan­ces under which fund members can receive pension benefits are written in respective pension fund rules.

Below are generic circumstan­ces under which pension benefits can be accessed. Retirement Benefits are payable on early, normal, or late retirement depending on the fund rules. For a provident fund or provident preservati­on fund, the benefits are paid in full upon the member’s retirement.

Withdrawal pension benefits can also be payable on exit from a fund before the retirement date on account of voluntary or involuntar­y separation from an employer.

However, only the employee’s contributi­ons are accessible before the normal retirement age. e employer’s contributi­ons become accessible upon the member reaching normal retirement age as per the rules of the fund.

Death pension benefits are payable upon the death of a member before or after the retirement date. e benefits are paid to the member’s dependents.

Unclaimed benefits

One of the challenges bedevillin­g the pension sector is that of pension fund members not claiming their benefits when they become due. is could be attributed to a lack of awareness of their entitlemen­t to receive the benefits, relocation of some members and change of contact details.

Pension fund member’s rights

You have the right to receive clear and understand­able informatio­n about your pension plan, including contributi­ons, investment options, fees and benefits.

You have the right to transfer your pension benefits when changing employment, ensuring the continuity of your

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