The Zimbabwe Independent

I t’s a weird world



A hygiene expert issued a warning that will make your skin crawl.

Mary Futher, who is known as Madame Sweat, revealed a possible infestatio­n of creatures could be lurking in your bathroom without you realising. They're called silverfish and are wingless insects with a silvery colour.

As the name would suggest, silverfish have a fish-like appearance due to their tapered bodies and scaly texture. They are known for their rapid, wiggling movement and preference for dark, damp environmen­ts.

They feed on carbohydra­tes, including starches and sugars, often damaging books and clothing. However, there is a simple solution to banish them for good.

In the video, which has gained more than 15,500 likes, Mary explained: "This could be lurking in your bathroom. These creatures are called silverfish and they love moisture...

"As long as your bathroom is moist, these creatures are going to hide in places you can't see, and they will keep reappearin­g because they're going to lay eggs."

Thankfully though, there is a way to eliminate the critters by reducing the amount of moisture in your home.

Mary added: "If you want to evict them, you have to make your bathroom less hospitable meaning you got to dry out that moisture. Get a dehumidifi­er. Keep the fan on. Open a window. Find a way to get that moisture down in your bathroom."

Tiktok users were left stunned by the clip as they took to the comments claiming they had never seen the pests before. A viewer wrote: "New fear activated," as another added: "I've never seen one inside the house".

A third commented: "I have just learned to live with them. Had them for 23 years. Some of them are gigantic!" Someone else penned: "Silverfish are harmless. They try to hide away from us the way we try to run away from them."

Madame Sweat has raked in over 800,000 followers online for her tips and tricks regarding personal hygiene. In the past, she's let fans know how to banish damp smells from towels and disgusting mistakes people make when cleaning their toilets. — The

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