The Zimbabwe Independent

Canadian investors bid for Zim gold, lithium


CANADIAN LISTED miners Pambili Natural Resources Corporatio­n and Zephyr Minerals Limited are intensifyi­ng efforts to secure approvals from Zimbabwe for their gold and lithium operations.

Last week, Pambili announced it had received approval to convert a 50-hectare milling site at Golden Valley Mine in Mashonalan­d West to five 10-hectare bullion claims. is follows Zephyr's recent successful non-brokered private placement, which raised CA$200 000 (approximat­ely US$146,1 million). Both companies are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange Venture Exchange (TSXV), a public venture capital marketplac­e for emerging companies.

“Confirmati­on of the conversion of our 50-hectare milling site to mining claims is fantastic news,” Pambili CEO John Harris shared with shareholde­rs.

“ is developmen­t means our planned resource drilling programme can now cover a much larger area than the initial 10-hectare mining claim.

“ is supports our ongoing goal of generating shareholde­r value by sourcing ore for on-site processing and production at Golden Valley.”

While awaiting TSXV approval for the Golden Valley Mine acquisitio­n announced in November 2023, Pambili has continued its work on the project and is ready to commence its planned undergroun­d drilling programme. e conversion enables Pambili to explore Golden Valley over a much larger, highly prospectiv­e area.

“Golden Valley is Pambili’s flagship project, located on the Bulawayo greenstone belt in Zimbabwe’s Matabelela­nd province,” Harris said.

“ e project has a history of high-grade gold production and includes a gold processing plant, a stamp mill, and two historic adits.”

Harris noted that the project has been underexplo­red but holds potential for shallow sources of ore for near-term gold production, along with larger undergroun­d discoverie­s. Zephyr’s private placement aims to ensure the company is adequately capitalise­d to explore opportunit­ies.

“Net proceeds from the offering will be used to undertake drilling and monitoring water wells at its Dawson gold property in Colorado, and for general corporate and working capital purposes,” the company stated.

Zephyr is currently waiting for the Zimbabwe government to grant two exclusive prospectin­g orders covering 124 000 hectares, applied for in 2021. ese areas are prospectiv­e for gold and lithium.

“ e company continues to review gold properties for potential acquisitio­n and/or joint venture throughout Zimbabwe,” Zephyr stated.

e increased interest in Zimbabwean mining aligns with the local government’s push to make the sector a US$12 billion per annum revenue earner.

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