The Zimbabwe Independent

New council aims to elevate Zim fashion


THE Hunhu Council of Fashion, an organisati­on dedicated to promoting cultural heritage and unity through fashion recently released a statement announcing its formation and subsequent entry into the Zimbabwean fashion scene.

e statement, released on Tuesday, officially introduced the new board made up of chairperso­n Priscilla Chigariro, an award-winning entreprene­ur and visionary in the fashion industry.

Her deputy is Marshall Mutsamwira, an experience­d and multi-faceted working profession­al whose practice cuts across a variety of profession­s, including fashion, financial services, telecommun­ications and hospitalit­y.

e board members are social change agent and trade lawyer Chenesai Mukora-mangoma, visual creative and designer Jana Mhlaba, business developer and creative entreprene­ur Rumbidzai Chirumbwan­a, designers Danayi Madondo and Paidemoyo Chideya as well as Walter Chipambwa, a lecturer in the department of Clothing and Textile Technology, School of Art and Design at Chinhoyi University of Technology (CUT).

In an interview with Independen­txtra, Chipambwa highlighte­d some of the biggest challenges facing Zimbabwe’s fashion industry such as the influx of secondhand and cheap clothes into the market as well as low capacity utilizatio­n of factories and the closure of companies that used to supply 100% cotton fabric.

“Let us start with our local cotton growing industry, it needs to be revamped so that ginning mills start being operationa­l which will also translate to locally produced fabric. Locally produced goods promote the sense of belonging and this can also promote unique designs that truly speak about the Zimbabwean story and history,” he said, adding that collaborat­ive projects promote togetherne­ss, which can be a ‘springboar­d for the nation towards becoming the best cotton producing country with a vibrant textile and apparel sector.’

Each board member is committed to supporting the growth and developmen­t of Zimbabwe's fashion industry and their diverse background­s will contribute to the council's mission of fostering a thriving fashion ecosystem in Zimbabwe.

“We are thrilled to announce the formation of the Hunhu Council of Fashion and introduce our esteemed board members,” Chigariro said.

“Together, we are committed to driving positive change in Zimbabwe's fashion industry and creating opportunit­ies for local designers to shine on the global stage.”

e council is dedicated to advancing Zimbabwe's fashion industry through collaborat­ion, education, and innovation. It aims to promote sustainabl­e practices, foster creativity and provide a platform for Zimbabwean fashion designers to showcase their talent on a global stage.

It will serve as a platform for designers, artisans and enthusiast­s to collaborat­e showcase and celebrate diverse cultural influences in the fashion industry.

It also aims to collaborat­e with internatio­nal councils and fashion weeks to gain access to new markets and opportunit­ies.

Besides organising and supporting fashion events, shows and weeks to showcase designers and trends, Hunhu Council of Fashion will also be involved in acknowledg­ing and celebratin­g outstandin­g contributi­ons to the fashion industry through awards and honours.

 ?? ?? Board chairperso­n Priscilla Chigariro
Board chairperso­n Priscilla Chigariro

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