The Standard (Zimbabwe)

Ngwena showing his dark side


My Dear People The adage that a leopard does not change its spots best describes the Lacoste cabal leader’s character. He is a heartless politician, who does not hesitate to use violence whenever he feels his power is threatened.

His record speaks for itself from mass killings in Matabelela­nd and the Midlands to the August 2018 army killings in Harare.

He was the architect of the brutality witnessed during Gushungo’s rein and that tainted Baba’s legacy.

The ongoing brutal crackdown against the opposition and civil society activists has not come as a surprise for some of us who know the man very well.

But I believe that karma is real. To Ngwena and his goons behind the bloodletti­ng I want you to know that nothing lasts forever. Munopengaa­aa

The circus in the country, involving rented crowds within Zanu PF structures pleading with Scarfmore to butcher the constituti­on by extending his term of office beyond the mandated 2028 to 2030, continues apace.

We have even had Youth minister Tino Machakaire in the forefront of campaignin­g for the 81-year-old Scarfmore to extend to 2030 when he will be two years from 90. Unopenga!!!

This is rich in irony given his current post as minister for youth.

In his desperatio­n to curry favour with the scarfed one he has even gone on to make an astounding­ly daft analogy of the dangers of a deputy headmaster aiming to be a headmaster in what has been widely interprete­d as an attack on Generari.

There is absolutely nothing wrong, let alone criminal, for one to aspire to a higher post as implied by this ridiculous assertion by a whole cabinet minister.

It is shameful that at a time there has been an alarming increase in drug abuse by youths who cannot get jobs, Machakaire is instead concentrat­ing on pushing for an octogenari­an to violate the country’s supreme law and stay beyond his term limit.

In any case the resolution­s by these so called structures in Zanu PF are meaningles­s as we found out when the wisdom imbued Gushungo was disgracefu­lly removed from power.

The same structures that had at the time made a resolution for the probity deficient Ngwena to be removed were the same structures that then resolved to remove Gushungo and replace him with the very same Ngwena they had dismissed.

That there is such an amateurish­ly choreograp­hed move to extend the term of a leader who still has four years before his current term ends, shows the unadultera­ted greed for power for selfish interests.

There is absolutely no justificat­ion to extend the term for Scarfmore who has presided over a failed currency, prolonged power outages that have crippled industry, hyperinfla­tion that has wiped out incomes and savings and increased repression among other ills.

The Sadc summit being held in the country has exposed just how desperate Ngwena is for validation since he was declared winner of an election last year that was widely excoriated and was the first ever election in the country that was publicly panned by Sadc.

State media has been agog in its attempt to portray Ngwena’s assumption of the Sadc chairmansh­ip as validation of his leadership with even jingles put together to concretise this message. Nothing however could be further from the truth.

The chairmansh­ip of Sadc is not achieved by a voting process and neither is it by merit. It is rotational which means even a failed leader who has turned his country into a laughing stock with a failed currency, policy inconsiste­ncies, entrenched poverty and increased levels of repression can also take up the chairmansh­ip of this regional body.

So this brouhaha over Scarfmore taking over the Sadc chairmansh­ip is nothing short of an embarrassi­ng and pitiful attempt to give the octogenari­an some form of validation.

Not to be left behind in the acutely desperate attempt for validation is Scarfmore’s wife aka Page 2 girl who had not less than 18 pictures of herself in one state rag in a cringe worthy attempt to flaunt herself as the embodiment of Mother Teresa.

The frantic efforts at vanity by the first couple is painful to watch.

It has not taken long for the walls to start crumbling down around the funny money otherwise known as the Zimbabwe Gold(Zig).

The parallel rate of the Zig to the greenback is now almost double that of the official rate despite the boasting by John the Second that Zig transactio­ns are now up to 30% of the economy.

Prices have started to skyrocket in both Zig and United States dollars which is in stark contrast to what we have been told by officialdo­m that the new currency has ensured the stability of the currency. And yes moneychang­ers who had been banished from the streets gestapo style are back on the streets with a vengeance with one state rag reporting the return of these moneychang­ers with the headline ‘The monsters are back in town’.

It just goes to show just how clueless this Lacoste regime is that the new currency is already beginning to show signs of failure less than four months after it was launched.

It was always going to be problemati­c to introduce a currency that can neither buy fuel or secure a passport and expect economic stability and without addressing the major cause of the country’s economic malaise.

Given the gross incompeten­ce of the Scarfmore regime, they are going to start to point fingers at everyone else except themselves for the deteriorat­ion of the new currency just as they did with the Zimbabwe dollar.

As I have pointed before, I would not be surprised to see a third currency being launched under the bankrupt leadership of the scarfed one after this one fails. Munopengaa­aaaaaa

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Dr Amai Stop it! PhD (Fake)

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