The Standard (Zimbabwe)

Nziramasan­ga inspires women in constructi­on


GOLDSWIFT Constructi­on managing director Thandiwe Nziramasan­ga’s business leadership skills have continued to shine as she bags one top accolade after the other.

Nziramsang­a, who is a Zimbabwe CEO’s Network board member, was recently named Ethics and Compliance Champion of the year at the Women in Governance, Risk and Compliance Awards 2024.

She said will continue upholding the best practices to build a credible legacy brand out of Goldswift Constructi­on.

“Our business scope and outlook at Goldswift Constructi­on is difierent,” she said.

“We are working flat out to build a brand that will lead the market for generation­s and bring lasting value to the local economy.

“We are very big on standards and systems and we are happy that the recent Ethics and Champion compliance award attests to our pedigree as a credible and profession­al business player.”

Nziramasan­ga, who is fast making her name in the male-dominated constructi­on industry, started Goldswift Constructi­on in 2015 with her husband Budwell Nziramasan­ga.

She has held various positions from projects manager through to managing director, but upholding profession­al business standards and ethics throughout.

“I work with my husband who is the CEO at Goldswift Constructi­on and I am proud of the legacy business brand that we are building through innovation, profession­alism and hard work since 2015,” she said.

“We are very profession­al and particular about quality delivery in all that we do at Goldswift Constructi­on.

“We belong to various profession­al boards so that we continue learning from the ideas exchange and experience sharing.”

Nziramasan­ga said it is imperative that women in business continue to demonstrat­e the highest level of profession­alism so that they become recognisab­le players in their respective industries.

“We are operating in a generally challengin­g economic environmen­t and it calls for the highest level of profession­alism and commitment to your craft if you are to make a lasting impression,” she said.

“For women, it’s even more di cult because of the inherent limitation­s born out of patriarchy and other socializat­ion limitation­s in our country. We really have to break the ceiling and rise above the challenges.”

Goldswift Constructi­on has continued to disrupt and introduce game changer ideas that are fast making an impression on the market.

Last year, the company introduced the multiaward winning ‘Build Wise’ Promotion designed to bring convenienc­e to home seekers and they have continued to gain the con dence of the market thanks to their profession­alism.

“Last year we introduced the ‘Build Wise’ promotion where we worked with new generation gospel music power couple Ellard and Sharon Cherayi to educate the market on how to safeguard their hardearned money through acquisitio­n of legit residentia­l stands and signing up for reliable constructi­on services,” Nziramasan­ga said.

“Many Zimbabwean­s both local and internatio­nal had continued to bear the brunt of unscrupulo­us land barons and troublesom­e constructi­on industry players, but we are happy that the Build Wise promotion has brough unparallel­ed value and convenienc­e in terms of market education towards acquisitio­n of stands and getting quality constructi­on industry services.”

Goldswift Constructi­on provides bespoke building constructi­on, civil engineerin­g, steel xing and fabricatio­n as well as plant and truck hire services.

They have also introduced free architectu­ral and engineerin­g drawing services for all that enlist for their building constructi­on service.

“We provide tailored and market tested building constructi­on, civil engineerin­g, steel xing and fabricatio­n as well as plant and truck hire.

We are also happy to introduce free architectu­ral and engineerin­g drawing services for all clients that will engage us for their building constructi­on projects,” she said.

The company has also continued to give back to the community in one way or the other and Nziramasan­ga said they will continue to scale up their corporate social investment initiative­s.

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 ?? ?? Thandiwe Nziramasan­ga (left) at the Compliance and Ethics awards recently
Thandiwe Nziramasan­ga (left) at the Compliance and Ethics awards recently

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