The Standard (Zimbabwe)

Biden couped! The owners move to clean out!


WE begin this letter where we left off last week, on the attempted assassinat­ion of former president Donald J. Trump.

From the evidence before us, it appears that the masters of the universe became extremely dissatisfi­ed with the way the US political scene was unfolding.

In particular, the continued presence of former president Donald J. Trump on the political scene was undesirabl­e and unhelpful, to put it mildly.

A plan was therefore set in motion to “put him out” (American jargon).

Kimberly Cheatle, head of the US Secret Service, speaking at a congressio­nal select committee said these words.

“We failed.” She went on to say that the attempt on Trump’s life was “the most significan­t operationa­l failure” on the part of her organisati­on in decades.

I wish to contradict Cheatle’s presentati­on.

The plan was executed perfectly but for providenti­al interferen­ce on behalf of Trump.

Cheatle confessed that the “secret service was told about a suspicious person two to five times before the shooting.” She also revealed that “the roof from which the shooter, a 20-year kid, Thomas Crooke opened fire had been identified as a potential vulnerabil­ity days before the rally.”

We need to emphasise that the kid made a perfect shot aimed at busting Trump’s head. Trump was providenti­ally saved by moving his head to read a piece of paper, thus allowing the bullet to nip his ear in passing.

There are other anecdotal evidences that lead us to the same conclusion, that the attempt was perfectly coordinate­d and executed as planned.

An investor divested 12 million shares in Trump’s Truth Social Company on Friday before the shoot-out on Saturday. A withdrawal on short notice is called “shorted” and is based on an assumption that the shares will soon suffer a massive price drop.

The Biden coup

The providenti­al interventi­on having saved Trump’s life having failed and now boosted Trump’s favourabil­ity among the populace as a martyr, desperatio­n in the “Deep State” reached a crescendo.

Biden was frail and disoriente­d. Democrats, supported by the compromise­d media had told the American populace not to believe their

“lying eyes” about Biden’s state of mental health and the onslaught of Alzheimer.

Their shenanigan­s had worked well since 2020.

Physicians and psychologi­sts say that elderly people suffering from that disease often return to childish pleasures and memories. Biden’s craving for ice-cream on a cone revealed some form of atavism.

Further, Biden has not held a cabinet meeting since October 23, 2023.

Having run out of tricks, and with Biden as their front man against the braggadoci­ous Trump, their chances of retaining power were slim.

Biden must be terminated Follow up interviews with Lester Holt and George Stephanopo­ulos merely confirmed what our lying eyes had seen in the debate.

The Democratic machine had closed primary elections, forbidding JF Kennedy, Jr and Dean Phillips and Marianne Williamson from competing with Biden.

Without any challenger­s, 14 million votes were registered in Biden’s favour. Biden did not have to campaign except in controlled, select and friendly circumstan­ces such as the black Moorehouse College.

With the ailing Biden holding the flag, the ground on which Democrats were walking was becoming slippery by the hour.

You too Brutus!

“When the history of this extraordin­ary period is written, the fingerprin­ts of (Barka) Obama and (Nancy Pelosi will be more apparent than currently known,” wrote the sage, Edward Dovere.

Biden is on record as protesting that Obama was the “puppet master” sending his minions and orchestrat­ing his downfall.

Hollywood actor George Clooney confessed that before he wrote an editorial in the New York Times, urging Biden to withdraw from the race, he had consulted Obama.

Though it was former speaker Nancy Pelosi ,who executed the final blow to Biden in a telephone call, Biden believes the real Brutus was Brother Barak Obama.

Biden was furious because, pressure was applied by freezing or withdrawin­g financial support from donors. Of the US$130 million promised, all but US$30 million was at risk of being frozen or withdrawn.

In all this, Biden fumed, the 14 million voters, including his loyal supporters, were not consulted.

Megyn Kelly says Biden may have gone into hiding. Democracy is a mirage. A mystery inside and enigma. Biden’s letter of resignatio­n was written on X. There was no presidenti­al seal or letter head. Let me say diplomatic­ally that the signature was probably “enforced.”

While we await further developmen­ts, the situation is fluid. The masters of the universe are faced with another conundrum. Biden nominated his vice president Kamala Harris, a woman of colour and of no consequenc­e to replace him.

What we do know, however, is that the compromise­d media and the “Depp State” will fall in line as soon as the masters of the universe give their word.

Meanwhile, one of the masters of the universe, Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu ws in Washington last week.

Netanyahu, by his own word, has the US Congress bought and paid for. To confirm this assumption, the speaker of the House, has threatened with arrest and incarcerat­ion anybody who protests the genocide in Gaza, at the premises of Congress, within or outside the House.

This edict violates the first amendment of the US constituti­on, which guarantees the right of citizens to protest.

Netanyahu, a Jew who has directed and executed the largest Nazi like genocide of Arabs in Gaza, will address a joint session of Congress.

He came to the US with a solid record, according to the British medical journal, The Lancet, of having caused the deaths of by bombing and starvation of 180 000 innocents.

For a Jew, that is some reputation.

The fact that the Internatio­nal Court of Justice is seeking his arrest has further enhanced his reputation in Congress as both Republican­s and Democrats compete for his favor. He is expected to receive no less than 40 ovations and promises of money and equipment in furtheranc­e of his genocidal plans.

*Ken Mufuka is a Zimbabwean patriot. He writes from the US. He can be reached at

 ?? ?? Letter from America WITH KENNETH MUFUKA
Letter from America WITH KENNETH MUFUKA

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