The Standard (Zimbabwe)

Furore over Warriors physiother­apist


ZIFA have come under re for employing Simba Bhora medic Lenon Gwara as a physiother­apist for the Warriors yet he does not possess the necessary quali cations and neither is he registered by the Medical Rehabilita­tion Practition­ers Council of Zimbabwe (MRPCZ).

Gwara was hired together with the Shamva-based Premier Soccer League side's goalkeeper­s coach Zwanayi Gwara.

They joined coaches Jairos Tapera, Saul Chaminuka, Takesure Chiragwi and Sunday Chidzambga in the technical department.

Simba Bhora announced the appointmen­t of the duo on their Facebook page on Friday and that post triggered a furore, especially from bona- de physiother­apists, who alleged that Gwara was misreprese­nting himself as a physiother­apist yet he does not possess the quali cations.

E orts to get a comment from Zifa yesterday drew blanks.

Gwara describes himself as a "sports specialist in massage, electro-therapy, diet and nutrition and tness and exercise."

This means that Gwara is a masseuse, a dietician and a tness trainer as well.

While massage is part of physiother­apy, a masseuse is not a physiother­apist.

His appointmen­t by the constantly blundering Zifa normalisat­ion committee puts players welfare at risk as he is not a quali ed medical practioner.

Zifa are said to have employed Gwara without checking his quali cations and competence­s.

The football mother body has been struggling with its appointmen­ts, constantly quarreling among themselves and pulling in di erent directions.

Gwara travelled with the national team for the four-nation tournament that was played in Malawi in March as a physiother­apist. All physiother­apists, who practice in the country, are registered with the MRPCZ even if they were trained outside Zimbabwe.

Physiother­apists demanded to know where Gwara attained his quali cation and why he was not registered with the MRPCZ.

"And yet Mr Gwara isn't a registered physiother­apist," one of the respondent­s on the Simba Bhora post claimed.

Another one questioned; "Physiother­apist? Registered where? This is a protected title and can result in the regulating council taking legal action. Maybe give him another title."

Some demanded that MRPCZ should take action against Gwara.

"Medical Rehabilita­tion Practition­ers Council of Zimbabwe, Health Profession­s Authority Zimbabwe please take action on those masqueradi­ng as physiother­apists for the safety of the public."

Gwara will be working with the national team for their 2026 Fifa World Cup quali ers against Lesotho and South Africa on June 7 and 11 respective­ly.

Clubs are likely to raise concern with Zifa when they learn that their players' health and safety are being overseen by someone who does not possess requisite minimum quali cations.

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