The Standard (Zimbabwe)

Dearth of mentorship, talent management in entreprene­urship


ENTREPRENE­URSHIP has always been taken as a structured system with engineered processes rather than being human driven. Yes, to some extent especially in the advent of artificial intelligen­ce where machines, robots and predictive software bring precision which humans are not able to do, there should be a balance.

Even with these technologi­es people at any level of the organisati­onal hierarchy remain vital as assets for business longevity.

It is unfortunat­e that most of our businesses, especially smallto-medium enterprise­s, are shooting themselves in the foot by having leaders who deliberate­ly ignore the magic brought about by unit of purpose and forecast employee growth through mentoring.

Surprising­ly some founders and senior managers of our thriving entreprene­urial businesses have turned a blind eye on this interventi­on which gives sustainabi­lity for a sustainabl­e future of their businesses.

As has been learned in the past that most of our entreprene­urial businesses die with their owners.

Something should be done for an effective succession plan.

Also, those organisati­ons that are run through boards which are entrusted for growth have their directors/managers who have become so self-centred not to scout for talent and nurture it as mentorship to future leadership of the enterprise­s.

This should be nipped in the bud before it becomes a culture across all sectors of our national/global economy.

It is with this background that we focus on the nitty-gritties that contribute to effective mentorship and talent management in our entreprene­urial businesses.

Most of our leaders have been on record for preaching the concept of mentorship as a desire of their enterprise­s but lacking in its full practise and implementa­tion.

This has made it difficult to achieve this goal at all levels of operation.

To start with, there should be clear guidance on what is expected from the mentee rather than moving without a plan or a wellspelt direction.

There is a lot of potential in our entreprene­urial business to have mentees who will rise up to organisati­onal excellence through their skills, but guidance lacks.

As founders/leaders of our entreprene­urial businesses we should develop tools, systems, flow chats, instructio­ns and other forms of communicat­ion that clearly guide the potential mentee on what is supposed to be done.

Instead, most structures in most enterprise­s hide informatio­n, create silos and even unnecessar­y confusion which derails the smooth mentorship process as required by both the organisati­on and potential mentees.

Remember that management (both senior and middle level) is at the pivot to make/break this configurat­ion in the organisati­on.

Also, as we proceed it should be appreciate­d that not everyone can be a mentor or mentored for better positionin­g in the business.

The owner of a business should be able to use accurate tools/ mechanisms that help to identify the suitable if not right mentors/ mentees within the organisati­on.

I have witnessed some organisati­ons who are doing this in a haphazard manner which has proved to be a recipe for disaster.

This type of an approach will fragment the organisati­on into an irreconcil­able state.

The reason being that mentors are supposed to be proven leaders in a certain discipline as they may become aggressive were a soft approach is needed, become jealous of potential talent that they should help go up, miscommuni­cate and quick to dismiss advise from the mentees.

There is need to have a mentor who is innovative, an all-rounder, with effective communicat­ion skills and also able to delegate.

That is by not having a mentor who craves for power but for transforma­tive sharing through teamwork, honest, supportive and talent appreciati­on.

This has been the reason for demise of our thriving entreprene­urial businesses when real mentors are not found to steer the ship. Food for thought!!!

Resources are critical in entreprene­urial mentorship and talent management. These might not be financial resources but also some intangible ones that give the needed support to both the mentor and mentee for a smooth flow engagement.

There is need to provide a conducive environmen­t including break away times for direct training, providing assisting software, equipment and even exchange programs with other local/internatio­nal organisati­ons.

In some instances you will find that the mentor/mentee will be well prepared with all leadership qualities but will not have the equipment/tools to demonstrat­e/ implement excellence and so forth. Resources are at the equilibriu­m of mentorship success as we go forward.

Lastly, therefore it is imperative to initiate mentorship through a talent management where the entreprene­ur comes up with a clear strategy that not only develops talent within the organisati­on but goes beyond to attract experts outside.

This is critical in bringing in new knowledge rather than sticking to traditions and cultures that obsolete.

New mind-sets usually bring in innovation and improvemen­t in processes.

It then calls for proper change management as old employees and other members always try to resist change.

In that manner highly skilled individual­s will not leave the organisati­on as they will have a long-term sense of belonging for entreprene­urial longevity. Let’s try and position our entreprene­urial businesses now and going forward.

Business Opinion with Dr Farai Chigora

*Dr Farai Chigora is a businessma­n and academic. He is the head of management and entreprene­urship at the Africa University’s College of Business, Peace, Leadership and Governance. His doctoral research focused on business administra­tion (destinatio­n marketing and branding major, Ukzn, SA). He is into agribusine­ss and consults for many companies in Zimbabwe and Africa. He writes in his personal capacity and can be contacted for feedback and business at fariechigo­ra@gmail. com,, WhatsApp mobile: +2637728868­71

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