The Standard (Zimbabwe)

Power Giants courts renewable energy investors

- By sTaFF rePorTer

LOCAL Energy Company Power Giants has embarked on a major investment drive meant to roll out renewable energy projects across the country to improve power supply and grid reliabilit­y.

Fronted by Edzai Kachirekwa, Power Giants has turned out to be the most sought-after power company in the Sadc region, thanks to its energy innovative and robust initiative­s.

During the last couple of months Kachirekwa has been on a whirlwind tour visiting various countries to appreciate their renewable energy project.

“I can say I have been to Europe, Asia, United States and Africa in the past few months where I visited various energy projects,” Kachirekwa said.

“The idea was to learn from experts in the field while appreciati­ng what they are doing.

“They are doing very well and I was really inspired by what I saw.

“I asked myself that with all the expertise that we have in Zimbabwe, can’t we do it ourselves?”

The multi award-winning entreprene­ur said the current power generation capacity calls for those with innovative minds to chip in.

“At this point, we need to step in and help our country in any every aspect, especially on power generation,” he said.

“As Power Giants we have welcomed the idea being taken by the government to involve private players in power generation initiative­s.

“We have taken this opportunit­y to engage foreign investors for various renewable energy projects across the country to help improve power supply.”

Kachirekwa said he was hopeful that foreign investors would be trickling in the country and roll out renewable energy projects.

“It’s a matter of time,” he said. “When I go outside the country, my thrust is to sell the brand Zimbabwe.

“We are building our nation and we are doing our best to bring in investors.

“Investing in renewable energy has a lot of advantages for the country.”

Locally, Power Giants is working with various organisati­ons such as ZETDC, Zera, Zimbabwe Institute of Engineers, Engineerin­g Council of Zimbabwe and Harare Institute of Technology University, among others to come up with sustainabl­e power generation projects.

The company’s regional director Evelyn Tinashe Kachirekwa has in her capacity reached out to various regional energy companies for possible partnershi­ps.

Power Giants has partnered a number of organisati­ons, including the government on a number of programmes, including around areas of gender-based violence as well as drug and substance use, among others.

 ?? ?? Power Giants CEO Edzai Kachirekwa (second from left) at a recent global energy summit
Power Giants CEO Edzai Kachirekwa (second from left) at a recent global energy summit

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