The Herald (Zimbabwe)

National youth housing scheme launched


• From Page 1 hard working and united,” he said.

President Mnangagwa said unity was important in an ensuring sustained developmen­t of the country. The current developmen­t trajectory under the Second Republic, he said, would not be hindered by the few detractors who would want to see the country backtracki­ng.

“A country is built by a united people. But it happens at times that there are a few individual­s who do not want to be united with others.

“This country cannot fail to go forward because of a few bad apples, continue to build this country as a united front,” he said.

Zimbabwe’s founding fathers, said President Mnangagwa, would be proud to know that the message of maintainin­g a united front was still being championed to this day.

“I remember at the ZANU PF congress in 1964, the elders that were there including Cde Simon Muzenda, Cde Leopold Takawira and Cde Robert

Mugabe in Gweru . . . we all never knew that such a day as this would come.

“I am happy that we continue to call for unity from Mutare to Plumtree, from Beitbridge to Chirundu,” he said.

The President turned 82 yesterday and said his longevity was testament of the experience he has acquired through the years.

“We are one country and everyone can fit in ZANU PF. As I always say, no one can fit ZANU PF into their pocket but everyone can fit in ZANU PF’s pockets.

“Nyika inovakwa nevene vayo so we have an obligation to build our country, no one is ever going to come from outside to build our country, it is our responsibi­lity as Zimbabwean­s.

“If you are a leader no matter where a leader is a servant of the people and if you manage to grasp that you will last in your role in ZANU PF . . . hear it from us who have been in the party for many years, we came in as youth, but now I am 82 and it means I have come far.

“Today I know I have really come a long way,” said the President.

Vice President Cde Kembo Mohadi said President Mnangagwa continued to prove himself an action-oriented man.

Local Government and Public Works Minister Daniel Garwe said the Second Republic would continue walking its talk on availing housing for the youth.

Masvingo Minister of State for Provincial Affairs and Devolution Ezra Chadzamira said it was encouragin­g to note that Government had taken a deliberate step towards ensuring housing for the general citizenry.

The groundbrea­king and launch ceremonies were attended by Cabinet ministers, Deputy Ministers, Permanent Secretarie­s, ZANU PF Politburo and Central Committee members as well as senior Government officials.

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