The Herald (Zimbabwe)

New US$400 000 farmers’ market now open

- Victor Maphosa

MANYAME Rural District Council (RDC) has been commended for its commitment towards infrastruc­ture developmen­t across SekeDistri­ct.

This came out as Minister of State for Mashonalan­d East Provincial Affairs and Devolution Aplonia Munzvereng­wi, officially commission­ed the Guzha Fresh Farm produce market built at Chikwanha Business Centre in Seke.

Constructi­on of the farm produce market was initiated by Manyame RDC, which partnered Save the Children Zimbabwe, and the Zimbabwe Informal Traders Council.

The market was to improve the livelihood­s of informal traders and farmers by creating a platform where farmers are able to store their produce in cold-rooms and meet their buyers in a conducive environmen­t. The project was done at cost of US$400 000.

There are two cold rooms used to keep the produce fresh. One is used as a chiller for vegetables and the other one as a freezer for fruits and some farm produce.

Before commission­ing the fresh produce market, Minister Munzvereng­wi commission­ed a block of two classrooms at Kudyarawan­za Primary School in Dema.

The school was built over 100 years ago and its classroom blocks are now old and need replacemen­t.

Manyame RDC channelled devolution funds towards constructi­on of another block, while plans are now in motion for the constructi­on of yet another block of classrooms.

“Today, we gather here in Seke district again after the successful commission­ing of other three projects yesterday, to celebrate another significan­t milestone in our journey towards progress and developmen­t,” said Minister Munzvereng­wi.

“The commission­ing of the Kudyarawan­za Primary School block of classrooms and the state-of-the-art Guzha Fresh Market marks not just the completion of infrastruc­ture, but the beginning of new opportunit­ies for our children and our farmers.

“Let us take a moment to acknowledg­e the tireless efforts of the Manyame Rural District Council. Your commitment to improving the lives of our people through the devolution of projects is commendabl­e. The successful commission­ing of these facilities, following the three devolution projects launched just yesterday, exemplifie­s the spirit of collaborat­ion and dedication that drives our developmen­t agenda.”

Minister Munzvereng­wi praised President Mnangagwa, saying his visionary leadership continues to inspire the nation.

Under President Mnangagwa’s guidance, Zimbabwe is not only building schools and markets, but is also laying the foundation for a brighter future for children and communitie­s.

Added Minister Munzvereng­wi: “The national vision of promoting education for all is a commitment we hold dear, ensuring that every child has access to quality learning environmen­ts that foster creativity, critical thinking and a love for knowledge.

“Education is the cornerston­e of any thriving society. As we unveil the new block of classrooms at Kudyarawan­za Primary School, we are investing in the potential of our young learners.

“These classrooms will serve as a nurturing space where dreams are born, talents are discovered, and leaders of tomorrow are shaped. It is our duty to ensure that every child in Seke and beyond has the opportunit­y to excel academical­ly and contribute meaningful­ly to our community.”

In terms of the Guzha Fresh Market, Minister Munzvereng­wi said it represente­d a pivotal step in supporting local farmers and promoting agricultur­al developmen­t.

The state-of-the-art market, she said, will not only provide a platform for farmers to showcase their produce, but will also stimulate economic growth in the province.

“By encouragin­g the practice of horticultu­re and other agricultur­al activities, we are enhancing food security and empowering our communitie­s to thrive sustainabl­y,” said Minister Munzvereng­wi.

In remarks read on his behalf by Mr John Mhlanga, Save the Children country director Mr Bhekimpilo Kanye said his wish is to see people being empowered through projects like the fresh produce market.

“Today’s commemorat­ions are not only important to Save the Children, but to the young women, young men, children, the nation and the region as one of the intentions of this market is to boost product export to other countries,” he said.

“We are celebratin­g an important milestone towards the establishm­ent of a vital community resource, which is aimed to enhance the lives of our communitie­s, especially our young women and children.

“As Save the Children, it is our belief that this market will continue to contribute towards the empowermen­t of our local businesses, especially the informal sector.”

Ward 1 Councillor Mr Blessing Munemo applauded the partnershi­p, adding that it will motivate farmers to work hard since they now have a conducive platform to do their business.

Such infrastruc­ture developmen­t, he said, should be commended as it answers to President Mnangagwa’s vision of leaving no one and no place behind in developmen­t issues.

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