The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Boost for Zim’s UNSC seat bid

- Blessings Chidakwa Herald Reporter

SADC member states have pledged to vote for Zimbabwe to secure a seat on the United Nations (UN) Security Council, Foreign Affairs and Internatio­nal Trade Minister Ambassador Frederick Shava has said.

Zimbabwe is aiming to be a key player on the internatio­nal stage with a seat at the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) a top priority for the Second Republic that continues to use platforms such as the African Union (AU) Summit to advance national interests.

The country is geared to achieve the significan­t milestone with preparator­y campaigns well on course. Countries like Cuba are among those that have endorsed Zimbabwe’s bid.

Speaking during a recent commemorat­ion of the US Declaratio­n of Independen­ce in Harare, Minister Shava said Zimbabwe has the support of the whole SADC region.

“We are campaignin­g right now for Zimbabwe

to be a member of the UN Security Council come (September) 27-28 and we have done all the preparator­y initial campaigns in SADC.

“SADC has already supported us and come the day of voting, all the 16 countries will vote for Zimbabwe,” said Minister Shava.

Minister Shava said they have even approached the continenta­l body, African Union, comprising 54 countries to back Zimbabwe.

“AU has accepted Zimbabwe’s position on 27-28 and the 54 countries of AU will be supporting Zimbabwe’s membership of the Security Council,” he said.

United States Ambassador to Zimbabwe, Ms Pamela Tremont said her country was in support of a UN Security Council reform.

“We take the candidacie­s of all countries very seriously. I know that the US is strongly in favour of Security Council reform and that we will be supporting two permanenci­es for Africa,” she said.

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