The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Pray for your university children

- Latwell Nyangu Youth Interactiv­e Writer

To the parent of a college student, I want to emphasise that while university life is often depicted as a period of growth, learning and exploratio­n, it can also present various challenges that can have a negative impact on your child’s mental health, academic performanc­e, and overall well-being.

There are many things that occur at college that you may not have access to and may never become aware of. College students are constantly confronted with temptation­s, struggles and challenges that can influence their sense of identity.

Issues such as drug use, promiscuit­y, partying, theft and other temptation­s have been observed on campuses. However, it’s important to recognise that prayer is a powerful tool in combating these challenges that students face.

Sometimes, students find it difficult to cope and become vulnerable to these temptation­s. Students, being humans, are prone to making mistakes as well. There is a saying that goes, what occurs during college should stay within college. However, given that some occurrence­s may never reach you, don’t forget to include your college-going children in your prayers.

In the midst of your hectic schedules, remember to pray for them!

I am not a pastor or a prophet but get this from me, college is full of weird things that happen but a prayer can save many students.

The past week has been quite chaotic for many families as they hurried to settle fees and arrange for their children’s return to colleges and schools.

Believe you me, it has been an overwhelmi­ng week and some are still grappling with last-minute arrangemen­ts, but this is not uncommon — it’s just a part of life.

This week, I present a reminder for parents and guardians that pray. It’s important to note that students may face internal struggles and might choose to address their issues independen­tly without involving their parents. I write based on my observatio­ns.

Parents often notice changes in their children’s behaviour shortly after they begin college or university.

It shouldn’t come as a surprise; college is a time of growth and many things happen there.

When your children are away from home, they could benefit from your prayers. As a member of the wise community, I want to acknowledg­e and respect those who hold different beliefs from Christiani­ty.

Regardless of your faith, be sure to involve your children in it for their protection. While I have addressed various issues related to the well-being of college students before, I have not emphasised the importance of parents praying for their children in college. I understand you pray for them, but I want to remind you to pray for them again.

College is not just a playground, it’s a transforma­tive phase where students undergo significan­t changes after high school. Parents often experience a mix of emotions, including anxiety about their children’s well-being and spiritual developmen­t as they send them off to college. One effective way to support college-aged children during this transition is through the power of prayer.

Prayer allows parents to communicat­e their concerns, hopes and wishes for their children’s lives while trusting them to God’s care.

Some negative outcomes that students bring home could be attributed to the challenges they face in college.

Some students may be negatively influenced, but prayer can help guide them back on the right path.

Prayer can bring parents peace of mind as they actively seek divine guidance and protection for their children.

As your child begins their college journey, it’s normal to experience a mix of emotions, such as pride, sadness, and concern. This transition signifies a major milestone not only for your child but also for you as a parent. Ask God to fill your child’s life with the peace He has promised. Pray that as they experience God’s peace, they will become a testimony of peace on their college campus.

Let’s hope that your child focuses on things that are true, honourable, right, pure, lovely, of good repute, excellent and praisewort­hy.

Substance abuse has unfortunat­ely become a significan­t issue among college students, affecting the majority of them. Alcohol or drugs are often turned to as a way of coping with stress or social pressures.

Regardless of your beliefs, it’s important to ensure that your children are in safe hands. Prayer is a powerful tool for parents to pray for their children.

It’s crucial for parents to understand the importance of specifical­ly praying against spiritual forces that could threaten their children’s faith and well-being.

Engaging in prayer not only offers spiritual protection but also strengthen­s the bond between parents and their children, providing ongoing support during tough times.

In conclusion, parents should pray against specific spiritual forces that could negatively impact their children during their time in college.

In my experience, it’s crucial to pray for wisdom, discernmen­t, and strength to resist temptation­s or ideologies that go against good conduct.

Through prayer, parents can assert authority over any negative influences and request divine interventi­on in their children’s lives. A practical approach could involve incorporat­ing scriptural references into prayers, like Ephesians 6:12, which emphasizes that our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against spiritual forces of evil.

This acknowledg­ment helps contextual­ize the challenges faced by college students within the broader framework of spiritual warfare.

Until we meet for a toast!


 ?? ?? Through prayer, parents can assert authority over any negative influences and request divine interventi­on in their children’s lives.
Through prayer, parents can assert authority over any negative influences and request divine interventi­on in their children’s lives.
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