The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Zim gear for traditiona­l sports festival

- Sports Reporter

THE Zimbabwe Traditiona­l Sports and Games Federation (ZTSGF) and the African Traditiona­l Sports and Games Confederat­ion (ATSGC) yesterday formally signed the host protocol agreement for the 2028 Multi-Event Festival.

This comes after Zimbabwe won the bid to host the 2028 Traditiona­l Sports and Games Multi-Event Festival.

The first edition is scheduled for Namibia in 2026.

Speaking at the signing ceremony at a local hotel in Harare yesterday, ATSGC president Michael Shamsu Mustapha said they look forward to working with Zimbabwe for the successful staging of the Games.

“We are very pleased with what we have seen so far, preparatio­n by the Zimbabwe Traditiona­l Sports and Games Federation and we are really open to support them throughout the process leading to the Games in 2028.

“We look forward to working with the Zimbabwe Traditiona­l Sports and Games Federation in ensuring that the event of 2028 is held successful­ly,” said Mustapha.

The signing ceremony also saw the unveiling of the logo for the 2028 event.

It will showcase a wide range of traditiona­l sports, including animal-aided sports, ball games, batting sports, combat sports, dances, mind games, racket sports, targeting sports, water sports, and more.

Mustapha also announced the appointmen­t of ZTSGF president Lizzie Mupure as the second vice president for the continenta­l mother body.

Yesterday’s ceremony was attended by Sports Commission director-eneral Eltah Nengomasha.

“As the Sports and Recreation Commission we are practicall­y excited with the registrati­on of a sport code specifical­ly to ensure that Zimbabwean­s play our traditiona­l sports.

“We are particular­ly excited because this will mean that more Zimbabwean­s

then become involved in sporting activities.”

Nengomasha highlighte­d various roles played by sport ranging from being a tool for diplomacy and its economic impact through sports tourism.

“I also want to talk about the benefits of us being sport as a tool for diplomacy the effects of community engagement, peace and cohesion.

“We together as Zimbabwe, we are there to assist and facilitate as our mandate, of SRC, is to pave the way for you so that you are able to execute and conduct your activities in a conducive environmen­t.

“And that we avail to you all the resources available to national sport associatio­ns as they partake of their activities,” said Nengomasha.

Executive director National Sports Authority Sierra Leone, Emmanuel Saffa Abdulai said sport is also key in addressing unemployme­nt challenges.

“I think one of the things that we have done in the continent is that we have underestim­ated the power of sport. Whatever sport you call it, whether it’s football, whether its basketball, the benefits are enormous.

“Even when you look at the SDGs, sport is one platform that will basically aide in achieving three or four or five of the MDGs. It comes to education, it comes to health, it comes to the physical and mental aspect and it comes to peace and harmony. One of the major developmen­t problems that we have in the continent, not just in the continent, but globally is youth unemployme­nt.

“Sports create a platform for young people to not only get employment, but to also follow their passion and I think that we should underscore that.

“Let us take this as a very serious endeavor because traditiona­l Africa Games cannot get lost,” said Abdulai.

Mupure said they have identified facilities to host competitio­n in Harare, Victoria Falls and Bulawayo.

Also present at the signing ceremony were the ZTSGF board member Rixson Makarichi, Tayengwa Takazviras­a, who is the director training and education and Local Organising Committee chairperso­n Abel Chimukoko.

 ?? ?? DONE DEAL . . . African Traditiona­l Sports and Games Confederat­ion president Michael Shamsu Mustapha (second from left) and Zimbabwe Traditiona­l Sports and Games Federation president Lizzie Mupure sign the jost protocol agreement, while standing from left executive director National Sports Authority Sierra Leone, Emmanuel Saffa Abdulai, ZTSGF board member Rixson Makarichi and director training and education Tayengwa Takazviras­a look on in Harare yesterday
DONE DEAL . . . African Traditiona­l Sports and Games Confederat­ion president Michael Shamsu Mustapha (second from left) and Zimbabwe Traditiona­l Sports and Games Federation president Lizzie Mupure sign the jost protocol agreement, while standing from left executive director National Sports Authority Sierra Leone, Emmanuel Saffa Abdulai, ZTSGF board member Rixson Makarichi and director training and education Tayengwa Takazviras­a look on in Harare yesterday

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