The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Mbedzi declared national hero posthumous­ly

- Thupeyo Muleya

PRESIDENT MNANGAGWA has posthumous­ly declared Beitbridge’s liberation struggle icon and former Zanu PF chairperso­n for Matabelela­nd South, Cde John Mbedzi, a national hero.

Cde Mbedzi died in Beitbridge on June 13, 1987 and his remains were interred at his homestead in Matshiloni Village under Beitbridge East constituen­cy, 40km north of the border town.

He is credited with recruiting many youths to join the liberation struggle through the Zambia Broadcasti­ng Corporatio­n on a slot given to the Zimbabwe People’s Revolution­ary Army, during the war of liberation.

Born in the Tshamateng­u area near Todds under the now Gwanda District, Cde Mbedzi found himself being imprisoned at Gonakudzin­gwa and other jails for his active role in the struggle for independen­ce.

Confirming the declaratio­n at the national hero’s family house in Beitbridge yesterday, ZANU PF Politburo member Cde Richard Ndlovu, reiterated the Government’s stance on honouring the country’s heroes.

He said Cde Mbedzi was a no nonsense man and was determined to see Zimbabwean­s gain full independen­ce from the colonial regime.

Cde Ndlovu said many people from Beitbridge such as Zanu PF Central Committee member Cde Showa Moyo, joined the liberation struggle as a result of encouragem­ent from the likes of Cde Mbedzi.

“We are here today to deliver good news to the Mbedzi family and Beitbridge community as sent by our President who has declared your son, our fellow brother, a national hero,” he said.

“This man who has brought us together here was a liberation icon, who was brave and determined to see the country being liberated from the colonial regime. He was often in and out of detention camps because of his strong resistance and activism against the colonial regime. I can say, he knew almost all the jails.”

Cde Ndlovu said the province was excited about the conferment of the national hero status to Cde Mbedzi by the Second Republic.

Cde Mbedzi went to Zezani for his secondary education where he was expelled for activism against the racist colonial regime.

He was in and out of prisons in the 60s for sabotage and later crossed to Zambia to join the struggle.

Cde Mbedzi was in the ZAPU publicity department where he, together with Cde Jane Ngwenya, would use radio to mobilise youths back home to join the struggle.

“The declaratio­n was made by our President a few days ago, unfortunat­ely I was not around. However, today we are here to celebrate with the community of Beitbridge,” said Cde Ndlovu.

“This man worked so hard for this country’s independen­ce and he died on the 13th June 1987 after a short illness and was buried at Matshiloni.

“We are grateful for the President’s wisdom to declare Cde Mbedzi posthumous­ly as a national hero.”

Cde Mbedzi’s widow, Cde Rennie Kibi, said the family was happy with the recognitio­n of her husband.

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Cde Mbedzi
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