The Herald (Zimbabwe)

‘US seizure of Venezuelan president’s plane contradict­s internatio­nal law’


TEHRAN. - Iran has condemned the United States' seizure of a plane belonging to Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro over alleged sanctions violations, saying the “unacceptab­le” move contradict­s internatio­nal law.

The US Justice Department early this week said that the country has seized a plane used by the Venezuelan president and flown it from the Dominican Republic to Florida.

It claimed that the plane, identified as a Dassault Falcon 900EX, had been purchased in violation of US sanctions.

Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Mr Nasser Kan'ani yesterday said that the unilateral coercive move by the US is in violation of internatio­nal law and will foment chaos and promote hijacking.

The US move also poses a threat to internatio­nal aviation security and safety, he added.

He reiterated the need to respect internatio­nal regulation­s, saying Iran regards the recent US “unacceptab­le” move as a contravent­ion of rules and norms of internatio­nal law, particular­ly the immunity of the countries' properties and the Convention on Internatio­nal Civil Aviation (also known as Chicago Convention).

The Iranian spokesman voiced Tehran's support for Venezuelan government's measures to protect its public property.

Mr Kan'ani also stressed the importance of improving cooperatio­n among countries to confront the US sanctions and unilateral coercive measures.

Mr Maduro became president following the death of his mentor Hugo Chavez in 2013.

He was re-elected in 2018 despite the US-orchestrat­ed opposition.

Since November 2019, the US-led sanctions have pushed inflation in Venezuela to above 4,000 percent.

Iran and Venezuela, both subject to illegal US sanctions, signed a 20-year cooperatio­n deal in June 2022 during a state visit by President Maduro to Tehran. The document covered the energy sector, among other areas of cooperatio­n. —

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