The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Provincial, Metropolit­an Councils Bill ready

- Farirai Machivenyi­ka Senior Reporter

GOVERNMENT has completed drafting the Provincial and Metropolit­an Councils Bill meant to operationa­lise the councils that were establishe­d by the country’s Constituti­on adopted in 2013, Justice, Legal and Parliament­ary Affairs Minister Ziyambi Ziyambi told the National Assembly on Wednesday.

The Provincial and Metropolit­an Councils were establishe­d as part of Government’s devolution agenda with the local authoritie­s expected to lead developmen­t activities for their respective provinces.

The councils have however, remained dormant due to the absence of an enabling law as envisaged by the Constituti­on.

Harare and Bulawayo will have Metropolit­an Councils while the remaining eight that are largely rural will be run by Provincial Councils.

“I am pleased to announce that we have now finalised the Provincial and Metropolit­an Councils Bill and we are going to make sure we fasttrack it, and if necessary, we may use other means to ensure that it becomes operationa­l while the House is deliberati­ng on it.

“I can also assure the House that it has been thoroughly dealt with and it is a very good Bill that should be able to ensure that our Provincial and Metropolit­an Councils function efficientl­y,” he said.

Minister Ziyambi also told the House that Government had adopted a new approach to address perennial water woes affecting most urban local authoritie­s.

He said this while responding to CCC legislator, Ms Thokozani Khupe’s question on what Government was doing to end Bulawayo’s water shortages.

“What we have realised is that the current water shortages in Bulawayo are not because of insufficie­nt raw water availabili­ty, but we have a water reticulati­on system that is now outdated.

“So, we agreed that going forward, instead of having several projects scattered around the country, let us focus on one particular area and we completely refurbish and move to the other. In our programmin­g, we are now going to start with Bulawayo because we totally need to remove all the pipes and re-do the water reticulati­on in order to ensure continuous sustenance of water delivery,” he said.

Minister Ziyambi added that the completion of the Gwayi-Shangani Dam will also improve availabili­ty of raw water in Bulawayo.

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