The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Social Media Feedback



Response to “Water woes: Govt bails out Harare City Council”

This is the only way the water challenge can be solved. The city council has failed residents, it has not delivered services and should leave it to Government to take control. — @ Shiana Moyo. ***

Response to “Beitbridge accident toll hits seven”

Sad that people continue to die in road accidents. Some drivers continue with their reckless behaviour putting lives at risk. — @ Takunda Gotora.

The Herald — Zimbabwe

Response to“Govt puts rogue businesses on notice”

Authoritie­s should move with speed and arrest those unscrupulo­us businesspe­ople, they are depriving consumers of proper commoditie­s. —@ Kudzai Mwerenga.


Better to sell proper goods at high prices than cheat on unsuspecti­ng consumers. — @ Steven Mangoma.

Response to“Police warn holders of unlicensed weapons”

People were told to surrender unregister­ed weapons, but they continue to disregard the call. These weapons can be used for robberies. — @ Nathan Samkange.

Response to“Over 60 000 houses off the books: Commission”

Council should put its house in order. It could have been collecting revenue from these households and put the money towards service provision. —@ Stewart Bonde.

Response to“Tackling gender disparity in climate change research”

If more women participat­e in climate change research, it will be easier to find solutions to challenges affecting females as a result of the weather phenomena. — @ Blessing Mbanga.

Response to“Growing more with less: Hydroponic­s bring hope to city dwellers” Making use of small land to produce

more, noble technology. — @ Daniel



Smart technology, anyone can produce own food using the system. —@ Nimrod Tivatye.

Response to“Participat­ion at Maputo trade fair a huge success: ZimTrade”

It is beneficial for businesses to participat­e at regional fairs and shows, they get to learn a lot, network and meet investors. — @ Nakai Makombe.

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Response to“Urbanites to receive cash transfers by end of next week”

Cash transfers help people in that they buy food of their own choice and can even save and invest into an income generating project. — @ Lucia Chimanikir­e.


Good to also look at the needs of urban residents, not everyone staying in urban areas is food secure. — @ Nyasha Mtombeni.

*** Hopefully the cash will be put to good use and there will not be abuse of funds. — @ Caltas Tembo.

Readers are invited to send comments and feedback through any of the above platforms. Since The Herald is published in English, we would prefer our readers to write in English — Editor.

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