The Herald (Zimbabwe)

. . . continues engagement­s with corporate China

- Fungi Kwaramba in BEIJING, China

PRESIDENT MNANGAGWA yesterday continued with his engagement­s with African leaders and corporate China, which stands ready to support and facilitate Zimbabwe’s infrastruc­ture developmen­t towards Vision 2030.

He met Union of the Comoros leader Mr Azali Assoumani as part of his bilateral engagement­s on the sidelines of the Forum on China Africa Cooperatio­n (FOCAC).

The Comoros President paid a courtesy call on President Mnangagwa at his hotel in Beijing.

Speaking to journalist­s after the meeting, Mr Assoumani said his country was ready to work with Zimbabwe in different areas.

“We spoke with the President on relations between Zimbabwe and the Comoros, how to improve them, we also spoke about SADC. The President of Zimbabwe has just become the chair of SADC, and I congratula­ted the President and we now look at how we can work together towards common good,” he said.

Apart from meeting the Comoros leader, President Mnangagwa also met with the China corporate world.

The President met Mr Xiang Guangda, the chairman of Tsingshan Holdings Group, the parent company of Dinson Iron and Steel Company which has built a US$1,5 billion plant at Manhize.

He also met representa­tives of ZTE Corporatio­n, the leading global provider of integrated informatio­n and communicat­ion technology solutions, and other top Chinese companies.

The President, who has visited the cities of Shenzhen, Shaoshan, and Nanjing, engaging billion-dollar companies like telecommun­ications giant Huawei, electric vehicle manufactur­er Build Your Dream, and NARI, a company that specialise­s in smart substation automation solutions covering system design, system modelling, network architectu­re, and system integratio­n, also met

constructi­on giant Jiangsu China Internatio­nal that refurbishe­d Robert Gabriel Mugabe Internatio­nal Airport and Victoria Falls Internatio­nal Airport.

On Tuesday, the President met officials from China Internatio­nal Railway Group, among other companies.

In an interview, National Railways of Zimbabwe (NRZ) general manager Ms Respina Zinyanduko said China Rail Internatio­nal Group is ready to refurbish the country’s railway network, as that forms a key component of the transport infrastruc­ture.

“We had a meeting with his Excellency, the President of the Republic of Zimbabwe Dr ED Mnangagwa, together with potential investors within the railway industry. China Rail Internatio­nal is responsibl­e for executing overseas projects.

“This is not the first time we are meeting this company, they have already done a feasibilit­y study and expressed an interest in funding the project, so this meeting is a follow up of results of that feasibilit­y study and we are now moving to the next stage where we are going to see the company now looking for funding.

“We are expecting that very soon we are going to work on the financial closure for the business for the project and we are very excited as the NRZ that we have moved this far with this Chinese company,” she said.

Ms Zinyanduko said China Rail Internatio­nal Group would build about five stations under Phase 1 of the NRZ modernisat­ion programme and supply 17 locomotive­s, and 209 wagons.

Today, President Mnangagwa is expected to continue with his engagement­s with corporate China.

 ?? ?? President Mnangagwa and his Chinese counterpar­t President Xi Jinping and wife Peng Liyuan, at the State Reception to welcome internatio­nal guests who are in Beijing for the 2024 Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Co-operation (FOCAC), yesterday. — Picture: Presidenti­al Photograph­er Mike Muswere
President Mnangagwa and his Chinese counterpar­t President Xi Jinping and wife Peng Liyuan, at the State Reception to welcome internatio­nal guests who are in Beijing for the 2024 Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Co-operation (FOCAC), yesterday. — Picture: Presidenti­al Photograph­er Mike Muswere

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