The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Tigere REIT gets nod to buy Highland Park phase-two project

- Tapiwanash­e Mangwiro Senior Business Reporter

TIGERE Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) unit holders have approved the investment­s trust’s request to acquire Highland Park Phase 2.

The nod was granted at an Extraordin­ary General Meeting (EGM) which was held in Harare recently.

The acquisitio­n is set to significan­tly expand the REIT’s property portfolio, contributi­ng to its growth strategy driven by Zimbabwe’s real estate market.

The REIT sought approval from eligible unit holders to acquire Highland Park Phase 2, a property poised to enhance its asset base.

Frontier Real Estate Developmen­t (Private) Limited and Terrace Africa Staff Incentive Scheme were excluded from the vote due to their status as related parties, ensuring the integrity and fairness of the voting process.

A substantia­l 83,76 percent of eligible unit holders participat­ed in the vote, either by submitting proxy forms or attending the virtual EGM. This high turnout reflects strong investor interest in the REIT’s strategic direction.

The acquisitio­n of Highland Park Phase 2 was put to a Special Vote resolution, wherein unit holders authorised the Tigere REIT and its advisory board to acquire the property through a unit placement.

Specifical­ly, the REIT will issue 351 282 000 new units to Modern Touch Investment­s (Private) Limited, the seller, in exchange for Highland Park Phase 2.

The resolution passed overwhelmi­ngly, with 99,85 percent of votes in favour and a mere 0,15 percent against.

Additional­ly, unit holders voted on a resolution granting the REIT’s Advisory Board, Trustee, and Investment Committee the authority to take all necessary actions to effect the acquisitio­n.

This resolution also saw strong support, with 99,85 percent of votes in favour and 0,15 percent against.

The approval of these resolution­s marks a significan­t milestone for Tigere REIT, paving the way for the inclusion of Highland Park Phase 2 in its portfolio.

This move is expected to enhance the REIT’s income-generating potential and solidify its position in Zimbabwe’s real estate sector. The approval for the purchase of Highland Park Phase 2 comes as the REIT has solidified its position as a leading player in Zimbabwe’s property market by securing first purchase agreements on several significan­t developmen­t projects.

These agreements underscore Tigere REIT’s strategic collaborat­ion with Frontier Real Estate Developmen­t, which serves as a key partner, taking on developmen­t risks and ensuring a robust project pipeline.

The REIT has secured the first right to purchase a range of upcoming developmen­ts, reinforcin­g its growth trajectory. Notable projects include the Greenfield­s Retail Centre at Harare Showground­s, slated for completion in

November 2024, and the Kadoma Shopping Centre, with land finalisati­on expected by 2025.

Additional­ly, the REIT has its sights set on the Highland

Park Precinct, a major developmen­t projected to commence in 2025 and beyond.

Further opportunit­ies in Ruwa’s Zimre Park are in the pipeline, with the land transfer currently pending, while potential developmen­ts in Bulawayo and other locations are in the planning stages.

These strategic acquisitio­ns and developmen­t rights position Tigere REIT for sustained expansion, offering investors exposure to high-growth real estate assets. By partnering with Frontier, Tigere REIT not only gains access to premium developmen­t projects but also mitigates risks associated with new ventures.

This collaborat­ion ensures that Tigere REIT remains at the forefront of Zimbabwe’s evolving real estate landscape, providing a diversifie­d and promising portfolio for its investors.

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 ?? ?? The acquisitio­n of Highland Park Phase 2 was put to a Special Vote resolution
The acquisitio­n of Highland Park Phase 2 was put to a Special Vote resolution

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