The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Coventry challenges ZNPC

- Sports Reporter

SPORT, Recreation, Arts and Culture Minister Kirsty Coventry has challenged the Zimbabwe National Paralympic Committee to work on increasing the number of athletes that qualify for the Paralympic Games.

Zimbabwe will be fielding two athletes at the Paris 2024 Olympic Games due to take place from August 28 to September 8.

Team Zimbabwe consists of two athletes and four officials. Kudakwashe Chigwedere and Tinotenda Bango will represent the county in athletics after getting universali­ty wild cards.

Chigwedere will compete in the men’s 100m — T47 category and Bango will take part in the women’s 100m — T47 category.

Coventry was the guest of honour at the team’s send-off and unveiling held at the Ministry’s offices in Harare yesterday.

She said that the ZNPC should engage the Ministry and Sports Commission so that they work together on how they can increase the numbers and ensure the country has athletes in various sports codes for Los Angeles 2028.

“We are very excited. I know our athletes have been working hard.

“A challenge that I have for ZNPC, is that we want more athletes to be qualified in four years.

“Please start working now with ourselves and SRC to figure out how we are going to do that.

“I am very happy that we are sending our two athletes. We want more athletes to be able to represent Zimbabwe.

“The talent is there, the paralympic athletes are there and we need to make sure we have a proper roadmap.” The officials include chef de mission Masimba Mutemaring­a, coach Elliot Mujaji-who won gold medals at the 2000 and 2004 Games — team physician Robert Musara, and Rufaro Ringisai (team admin and athlete welfare support). Mutemaring­a left for Paris on Wednesday to prepare for the team’s arrival. The team is expected to leave on Sunday. While in Paris, they will not be short of support as country delegates and staff members (team attaché) from the Zimbabwe Embassy will be on hand to cheer them.

Coventry said they are proud of the athletes and urged them to also use the platform presented by the Games to learn.

“Don’t put too much pressure on yourselves. “This is your first Paralympic Games, so really take the time to learn from other athletes as well and to understand how everything works . . . And it’s just to say best of luck, enjoy yourselves, behave proudly like proud Zimbabwean­s and we will be watching you and cheering you on from home.

“We would like to thank His Excellency the President, the Finance Ministry for giving our ministry the support to send the team and to take care of all expenses.

“We are very grateful for that and for his continued support to sport both Olympics and Paralympic­s,” said Coventry.

Permanent Secretary in the Ministry Nicholas Moyo saluted the athletes for making it to the Games.

“Hard work pays. Your dedication and perseveran­ce has brought you to this point.

“When you are participat­ing in the Paralympic­s, it already means you have passed a certain mark, just going there is what we celebrate.

“So we are here to send you off and to celebrate your participat­ion at the Paralympic­s.

“Go do your best, compete with honour, compete with integrity and never forget the values of sportsmans­hip and practicing safe sport always,” said Moyo.

He urged them to give their best. ZNPC president Witness Magulula said they are grateful for the support they have received from the Government and other partners that came on board.

The team has been in camp since August 1. Also present at the team’s send-off and unveiling was Sports Commission Director General Eltah Nengomasha, ZNPC Secretary General Peter Mawindo, and directors from the Ministry among other dignitarie­s.

Team Zimbabwe Athletes: Kudakwashe Chigwedere (men’s 100m — T47), Tinotenda Bango (women’s 100m — T47).

Coach: Elliot Mujaji.

Team Management: Masimba Mutemaring­a (chef de mission), Robert Musara (team physician), Rufaro Ringisai (team admin and athlete welfare support).

 ?? ?? LET THE GAMES BEGIN . . . (From left) Sport, Recreation, Arts and Culture Minister Kirsty Coventry presents Kudakwashe Chigwedere set to compete in the men’s 100m — T47 category at the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games with running spikes while Permanent Secretary Nicholas Moyo (centre) looks on yesterday in Harare
LET THE GAMES BEGIN . . . (From left) Sport, Recreation, Arts and Culture Minister Kirsty Coventry presents Kudakwashe Chigwedere set to compete in the men’s 100m — T47 category at the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games with running spikes while Permanent Secretary Nicholas Moyo (centre) looks on yesterday in Harare

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