The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Lupane Complex ready for occupation

- Herald Reporters Fungai Lupande

THE Welshman Mabhena Complex in Lupane is now complete and ready for occupation, with the provincial Government services set to start operating from the offices from September 1.

Lupane is the provincial capital for Matabelela­nd North.

Operating from Lupane will be a major milestone since civil servants from various department­s had been operating from Bulawayo.

A lack of housing has been flagged as one of the major causes for the delays in relocation, resulting in most civil servants deployed in Matabelela­nd North operating from Mhlahlandl­ela Government Complex in Bulawayo, affecting the efficiency of services and gobbling a lot of money.

Speaking at the post-Cabinet media briefing on Tuesday this week, Informatio­n, Publicity and Broadcasti­ng Services Minister, Dr Jenfan Muswere, said the Welshman Mabhena Complex had been completed, while constructi­on of houses for civil servants was nearing completion.

Dr Muswere said 19 houses had been allocated to 55 Government officials from different ministries, department­s and agencies, who volunteere­d to relocate immediatel­y.

“The houses can be immediatel­y completed, while the Government offices can also be utilised before the end of the third quarter of 2024,” said Dr Muswere.

“Cabinet considered the report on the relocation of Matabelela­nd North provincial offices from Bulawayo Metropolit­an Province to Lupane Centre, as presented by the Honourable Vice President Col (Rtd) KCD Mohadi.

“The civil servants’ houses are 90 percent complete, while the Government complex is complete.”

VP Mohadi was in Lupane in June, where he expressed concern over delays in the completion of accommodat­ion for civil servants and issued a six-month ultimatum to responsibl­e authoritie­s to complete the project.

“Accordingl­y, the public will be served from the provincial capital, Lupane, with effect from September 1, 2024,” said Dr Muswere.

Constructi­on of the Welshman Mabhena Complex began in 2012, following Lupane’s designatio­n as the provincial capital of Matabelela­nd North in 1999.

ONE of Mashonalan­d Central Senators, Senator James Makamba, has built a senatorial office in Mount Darwin where people can bring queries and complaints.

It serves as a communicat­ion platform between the electorate and their representa­tives. In the past, voters found it challengin­g to reach their representa­tives, often resorting to approachin­g them at public events or visiting their homes.

However, the newly constructe­d office is set to transform the way voters and their representa­tives interact.

During the official opening of the Mandave House, Senate President Mabel Chinomona lauded the constructi­on of the office, adding that it exemplifie­s leadership that unites people.

She commended Sen Makamba for prioritisi­ng the needs of the people and stressed the importance of elected representa­tives staying connected to their constituen­ts.

“You selected a leader who values people and puts them first. Some elected representa­tives forget the electorate and what was done here is very important,” she said.

Cde Chinomona donated two sewing machines for a women’s garment-making business.

Sen Makamba said he was committed to serving people in his constituen­cy with dedication and integrity.

“As your Senator, I am here to listen, to understand and act on behalf of this community. My vision is to work tirelessly to address the challenges we face and seize opportunit­ies for growth and developmen­t,” he said.

“Together we will focus on improving the quality of life, better access to health care, advancing education opportunit­ies, infrastruc­ture developmen­t and enhancing food security.”

He pledged to work closely with the four National Assembly representa­tives in Mt Darwin District adding that his dream for a modern Mt Darwin was underpinne­d by President Mnangagwa’s philosophy of leaving no one and no place behind.

The district came up with a Mandave Constituen­cy

Developmen­t committee, whose motto is: “Strength in unity, empowering our community for developmen­t.”

Its role is to identify areas that need to be developed.

Mt Darwin South Member of Parliament Cde Kudakwashe Mupamhanga expressed gratitude for the office, which he said provides a conducive environmen­t for meetings.

Cde Elizabeth Shongedza said the office had made life easy for people in the district who wish to engage their representa­tives.

Chief Kandeya said the office provides an opportunit­y for chiefs to meet the Senator and discuss challenges and economic developmen­t issues in a comfortabl­e environmen­t.

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