The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Chinese investor, YMED empower small scale miners

- Herald Reporter

FIFTEEN groups of artisanal and small-scale miners have received mining claims and equipment from a Chinese investor and empowermen­t lobby group, the Young Miners for Economic Developmen­t (YMED).

The groups whose operations will now be formalised will also have access to suitable modern equipment.

Each of the 15 groups has six people and the YMED’s Chinese partners represente­d by Mr Wang Yu, have donated 10 compressor­s, three hammer mills and over 30 boxes of explosives.

The groups and their claims are formally registered with gold deliveries being made to Fidelity Printers. Speaking on the sidelines of the donation handover ceremony, YMED President Mr Nyasha Magadhi said the programme was aimed at formalisin­g and modernisin­g operations in line with internatio­nal trends.

“We want our miners to formalise and move towards world-class operations. President Mnangagwa and the Zanu PF Government have been opening up opportunit­ies for youths and creating an enabling environmen­t for young entreprene­urs to thrive in the mining sector,” said Mr Magadhi.

Mr Wang said: “The donation comes as part of our corporate social responsibi­lity programme and a desire to support young miners’ vision. This is our corporate social responsibi­lity and of course, our desire to realise young miners’ vision in Zimbabwe.”

Another lobby group, Action for Empowermen­t Zimbabwe (AEZ) donated US$5 000 to buy protective clothing for artisanal and small scale miners to ensure safety and adherence to health and environmen­tal standards.

“We want world-class in the sector hence our dedication to health and safety issues. We believe zero harm is possible, not only in large operations but even smaller ones,” said AEZ president Mr Alson Darikai.

University of Zimbabwe SRC president Mr Tendayi Mushayi, who is one of the beneficiar­ies of the donation, applauded YMED and its partners for the gesture.

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