The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Zanu PF Harare readies for Annual People’s Conference

- Joseph Madzimure Senior Reporter

PREPARATIO­NS for the Zanu PF Annual People’s Conference are going on well with provincial structures set to conduct inter-district meetings this weekend for draft resolution­s which will be presented to the party leadership at the conference in Bulawayo.

Today, Zanu PF Politburo members and provincial chairperso­ns will be in Bulawayo to assess progress made at the Zimbabwe Internatio­nal Trade Fair, the venue of the conference.

The conference will be held from October 22 to 27.

Yesterday, Zanu PF Harare province held their Provincial Co-ordinating Committee meeting to prepare for the Annual People’s Conference.

Zanu PF Harare provincial chairperso­n Cde Goodwills Masimiremb­wa chaired the meeting where he implored party members to come up with draft resolution­s.

“As Harare province, we held the PCC meeting to direct our District Co-ordinating Committees to hold inter-district meetings on Saturday and come up with resolution­s which will then be discussed further at the provincial inter-district meeting on Sunday.

“What is clear with Harare is that we are putting a resolution that President Mnangagwa should remain in office beyond 2028. The immense work he has done for this country justifies the position which has been consistent­ly taken by the province.

“We want to make sure Vision 2030 will become a reality, that’s what we are preparing for, to come up with draft resolution­s which we will then forward to the national leadership,’’ said Cde Masimiremb­wa.

In terms of preparatio­ns for the Zanu PF Annual People’s Conference, he said Harare has constantly met its targets.

“We are sure; we will raise the US$50 000 target as a province. We have already managed to secure five beasts as a province as a part of our pledge to feed delegates attending the conference.

“We already have pledges from party members of five heads of cattle and other donations.

“We will play our part and make contributi­ons towards the conference,” said Cde Masimiremb­wa.

The PCC meeting was also meant to congratula­te President Mnangagwa for assuming the SADC chairmansh­ip.

The meeting, he said, was also meant to thank President Mnangagwa for the developmen­tal trajectory of his administra­tion.

Zanu PF Politburo member Cde Omega Hungwe, who also attended the PCC meeting, urged party members to remain united.

She thanked the party structures in Harare for ensuring peace during the SADC summit.

Turning to the ongoing restructur­ing exercise, Cde Hungwe urged the province to come up with authentic structures.

Speaking at the same occasion, Zanu PF Deputy Secretary for Security, Cde Tendai Chirau, urged members to ensure unity of purpose in the province.

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