The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Former top civil servant Chamboko laid to rest

- Thupeyo Muleya

A FORMER senior official in the Ministry of Media, Informatio­n, Publicity and Broadcasti­ng Services, Mr Alois Chamboko, who died on Monday this week, was yesterday laid to rest at his rural home in Mwenezi.

Mr Chamboko, who was 70-years-old, died in Gwanda following a short illness.

The late civil servant retired as the acting director for rural communicat­ions in the Ministry in 2019.

Scores of people from across the country gathered at the Chamboko Homestead to pay their last respects.

Speaker after speaker including former workmates, community leaders, and businessme­n praised Mr Chamboko for his selfless leadership qualities.

They said the top civil servant had been a pillar of strength for many people both at home and work.

His eldest son, Mr Samuel Chamboko, said they have lost their pillar of strength.

“He was a dedicated father, grandfathe­r, great-grandfathe­r and a friend to many. We have lost a pillar of strength,” he said. Mr Chamboko was born on August 4, 1954, in Chivi and was educated at St Simon Zhara and Mucheke Secondary School in Masvingo province.

He joined the civil service in 1974 in the then District Commission­er’s office.

In 1979 he moved to the Ministry of Informatio­n’s mobile cinema unit before joining the then Zimbabwe Informatio­n Service (ZIS) as District Informatio­n Officer (DIO) for Beitbridge.

He rose through the ranks within the Ministry working in many provinces before retiring in 2019 as Acting DirectorRu­ral Communicat­ions.

He is survived by his wife of 47 years Pauline, three children, six grandchild­ren and one great-grandchild.

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