The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Zim commends China for modernisin­g media

- Herald Correspond­ent

ASSISTANCE from China has helped Zimbabwe transform and modernise the country’s media sector, Informatio­n, Publicity and Broadcasti­ng Services Deputy Minister, Dr Omphile Marupi, has said.

Addressing the 6th Forum on China-Africa Media Co-operation and the China-Africa Think Tank high level dialogue in Beijing yesterday, Dr Marupi said China was working hard to transform the technologi­cal media landscape in Zimbabwe through digitisati­on anchored on migrating from analogue to digital terrestria­l broadcasti­ng in line with the Internatio­nal Telecommun­ication Union.

“We anticipate to fully complete the project with assistance from our all-weather friend, China,” said Dr Marupi.

“I am proud to say that our studios at the national broadcaste­r, the Zimbabwe Broadcasti­ng Corporatio­n, are being modernised in line with inclusive growth and developmen­t.”

Modernisat­ion of media is being done at the same time with production and acquisitio­n of good quality content that projected the correct narrative of developmen­ts in Zimbabwe.

“The Zimbabwean story can fully be told by Zimbabwean­s and this is why we continue to capacitate the national broadcaste­r and independen­t content producers for content that reflects the aspiration­s of the people of Zimbabwe,” Dr Marupi said.

He said Government was making strides towards developing a vibrant digital economy aimed at empowering citizens with digital literacy and creating a robust infrastruc­ture that could support the demands of the digital landscape.

Experts and profession­als discussed issues regarding the modernisat­ion agenda, with many drawing inspiratio­n from the Chinese path, but emphasisin­g that African countries could pursue models that are best suited to them and their local conditions.

Participan­ts also explored different models of cooperatio­n and building synergies and collaborat­ions that would ensure attainment of mutual benefit and win-win scenarios.

The event drew China-Africa experts, top media profession­als and government officials from 45 African countries, with two Zimbabwean think-tanks, the Southern Africa Research and Documentat­ion Centre (Sardc) and Ruzivo Media and Resource Centre taking part.

A Zimbabwean expert, Professor Jairos Kangira, also participat­ed in the event, which is running under the theme: “Joining hands to advance modernisat­ion.”

Media cooperatio­n is considered a key cog in Chinese President Xi Jinping’s idea of a community with a shared future for mankind.

In a fortnight, African leaders will descend on Beijing for the 2024 Forum on China-Africa Co-operation and strategies on media cooperatio­n, cultural and people-to-people exchanges are among key topics.

 ?? ?? Dr Marupi
Dr Marupi

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