The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Let’s implement agreed projects: VP Chiwenga

- Mukudzei Chingwere in NEW DELHI, India

PARTICIPAN­TS at the Africa Conclave on India-Africa Partnershi­p should work towards ensuring that all proposals and agreements made are implemente­d, Vice President Dr Constantin­o Chiwenga said yesterday.

He was speaking at the closing ceremony of the conference that brought together people from countries with huge investment opportunit­ies and wealthy people or representa­tives of companies that have huge sums of money they wish to invest.

The Mutapa Investment Fund, a sovereign wealth fund establishe­d by Government, participat­ed in the conference and entered into many multi-sectoral investment agreements with Indian firms.

Once the agreements are operationa­lised, the fund’s operations would be greatly transforme­d.

The National Railways of Zimbabwe, ZESA and the Industrial Developmen­t Corporatio­n and its Willowvale Motor Industries subsidiary are among Zimbabwean companies that are in negotiatio­ns for funding with Indian firms.

Said VP Chiwenga: “We need to keep the momentum and finalise on all the memorandum­s of understand­ing and projects that we have committed to. The impetus and objectives of this business conclave should be maintained and followed through. As a country, we commit to continue the conversati­on with prospectiv­e investors and traders.

“As we part today, let me encourage all of us to take advantage of our engagement­s during these three days and follow up on the business contacts shared, investment and trade conversati­on initiated during the 19th Confederat­ion of Indian Industry India Africa Business Conclave and make good use of these going forward.”

Zimbabwe was ready to absorb investment­s in agricultur­e, mining, manufactur­ing, health, energy, ICT, space technology, tourism and infrastruc­ture sectors.

VP Chiwenga said Zimbabwe offered lucrative incentives to all investors and excellent terms of trade as guided by the World Trade Organisati­on regulation­s.

He emphasised that Zimbabwe was ripe for investment, riding on the peaceful environmen­t prevailing in the country, predictabl­e policies adopted to foster private sector led growth and a continuous­ly improving business environmen­t.

India’s Ministry of Commerce and Industry Secretary Sunil Barthwal said they were looking for quick partnershi­ps.

 ?? - Picture: Mukudzei Chingwere ?? Vice President Constantin­o Chiwenga addresses the closing ceremony of the India-Africa Conclave in New Delhi yesterday.
- Picture: Mukudzei Chingwere Vice President Constantin­o Chiwenga addresses the closing ceremony of the India-Africa Conclave in New Delhi yesterday.

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