The Herald (Zimbabwe)

CZI optimistic of SADC Industrial­isation Week gains

- Michelle Moyo

THE Confederat­ion of Zimbabwe Industries (CZI) has expressed optimism of positive outcomes for local firms as the country hosts the Southern African Developmen­t Community (SADC) Industrial­isation Week which commenced on Sunday.

Zimbabwe is hosting more than 150 companies from across southern Africa during the SADC Industrial­isation Week running from July 28 to August 2, under the theme, “Promoting Innovation to Unlock

Opportunit­ies for Sustainabl­e Economic Growth and Developmen­t: Towards an Industrial­ised SADC.”

The event is a precursor to the SADC Heads of State Summit on August 17.

Zimbabwe’s largest industry lobby group is convinced that the hosting of the two high-level events would yield good dividend for the country.

CZI chief executive officer, Ms Sekai Kuvarika, said the regional conference­s offer a huge potential to bring together investors, policymake­rs, and industry leaders, paving the way for economic growth and industrial developmen­t in the region.

She said CZI has establishe­d partnershi­ps with promotion agencies in the region, which confirmed their participat­ion at the event.

These are representi­ng their respective jurisdicti­ons, and showcasing investment opportunit­ies in their countries, paving the way for potential collaborat­ions and deals.

The developmen­t is a significan­t boost for Zimbabwe’s investment landscape, as it will bring together key stakeholde­rs and facilitate the exchange of ideas, expertise, and resources, said Ms Kuvarika.

“We are eager to anticipate at the SADC Industrial­isation Week as it is the first time to have an investment forum in the industrial­isation week to promote investment in industries within the region and also spotlighti­ng the country as there are more opportunit­ies to look at,” she said in a recent interview with NewzRoom Afrika, a South African television station.

Ms Kuvarika said the conference will also assess the progress made by businesses in the region towards achieving industrial­isation and economic transforma­tion in line with the SADC Industrial­isation Strategy and Roadmap (2015-2063).

“The discussion­s will centre around the successes and challenges faced by businesses in the industrial­isation drive, with a view to identifyin­g strategies to accelerate progress towards attaining the Vision 2030,” she said.

“This vision aims to propel the region into a more industrial­ised and diversifie­d economy, with a significan­t impact on economic growth, employment, and poverty reduction.”

Ms Kuvarika further outlined that the summit will feature a diverse range of experts and thought leaders who will delve into various aspects of the business sector, including trade, investment, innovation, and entreprene­urship.

“These experts will share insights and best practices on how to enhance competitiv­eness, boost productivi­ty, and unlock new opportunit­ies for growth and developmen­t in the region,” she said.

“The summit will also provide a platform for business leaders, policymake­rs, and other stakeholde­rs to engage in constructi­ve dialogue, share experience­s, and explore potential collaborat­ions and partnershi­ps that can drive economic transforma­tion in the SADC region.”

The SADC Industrial­isation Week is underway in Harare and has brought together representa­tives from across the region to discuss key issues and opportunit­ies for economic growth and industrial­isation.

“It will feature a diverse range of participan­ts from various fields, including the public and private sectors, as well as representa­tives from internatio­nal partners such as China and Egypt, among others,” said Ms Kuvarika.

“We are committed to driving industrial­isation and look forward to engaging with a diverse group of countries to share experience­s and best practices.”

She urged businesses to align themselves with the industrial­isation agenda, seizing opportunit­ies to address the needs of various industries and drive growth.

This will enable them to capitalise on the opportunit­ies presented by the summit and contribute to the region’s economic transforma­tion.

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