The Herald (Zimbabwe)

France commits to deepening economic ties

- Farirai Machivenyi­ka Senior Reporter

FRANCE is committed to strengthen­ing bilateral ties with Zimbabwe particular­ly in the economic sphere for mutual benefit, the outgoing French Ambassador, Mr Laurent Chevallier, has said.

Speaking after paying a courtesy call on President Mnangagwa at State House in Harare yesterday, Ambassador Chevallier reaffirmed his country’s commitment to strengthen­ing relations between Harare and Paris.

“I was honoured to meet His Excellency just before my departure after four years of my mandate as Ambassador of France here in Zimbabwe. We had an opportunit­y to discuss with His Excellency, the partnershi­p between France and Zimbabwe and our common will to reinforce that partnershi­p especially in the economic sector”.

Ambassador Chevallier leaves after spending four years in the country.

“I had the opportunit­y to reiterate to His Excellency, France’s commitment to strengthen the relationsh­ip in many fields as we are implementi­ng our relationsh­ip in many fields like research, like dual heritage and education that we would want to develop.

“We are about to have new French investors coming here to visit Zimbabwe and prospectin­g Zimbabwe’s opportunit­ies,” he said.

During his recent visit to France, Vice President Dr Constantin­o Chiwenga, who was representi­ng President Mnangagwa, met over 30 companies under the Movement of Enterprise­s of France (MEDEF) Internatio­nal, which is France’s leading economic diplomacy arm and a delegation from BRGM, a geological surveying company.

In his meeting with MEDEF, the organisati­on’s president of the sustainabl­e cities taskforce, Mr Gerard Wolf, said they would visit Zimbabwe in October.

After meeting with the VP, BRGM’s area manager for Southern and Eastern Africa, Mr Eric Gomez, said they were committed to setting up shop in Zimbabwe to improve the country’s mining sector adding that they were also interested in co-operating in other areas that include agricultur­e production and ground water management.

 ?? - Joseph Manditswar­a ?? President Mnangagwa bids farewell to outgoing French Ambassador to Zimbabwe Mr Laurent Chevallier at State House in Harare yesterday. Picture:
- Joseph Manditswar­a President Mnangagwa bids farewell to outgoing French Ambassador to Zimbabwe Mr Laurent Chevallier at State House in Harare yesterday. Picture:

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