The Herald (Zimbabwe)

More access roads to New Parly Building opened to traffic

- Freeman Razemba Senior Reporter

MOST of the access roads leading to the New Parliament Building in Mount Hampden have been opened to traffic while the city component of the Harare-Chirundu Road project is also progressin­g well and nearing completion.

The Government has been rehabilita­ting three main access roads leading to the New Parliament Building in Mt Hampden, including the internal circulatio­n roads.

These access roads include Harare-Chirundu Road, Harare-Kanyemba Road and Old Mazowe Road.

Rehabilita­tion of Harare-Chirundu Road is ongoing and the scope of works includes constructi­on, landscapin­g and street lighting of the section of Julius Nyerere Street from the Main Post Office to the intersecti­on of Sam Nujoma Extension and Nemakonde Way (formerly Lomagundi), and along Nemakonde Road to Westgate traffic circle (roundabout).

The rehabilita­tion of Harare-Kanyemba Road is also ongoing and the scope of works includes dualisatio­n, widening, upgrading, reconstruc­tion, rehabilita­tion, street lighting and landscapin­g of the section of Sam Nujoma Extension from Nemakonde Way to and including the traffic circle (roundabout) at the intersecti­on with the New Parliament Boulevard, past Henderson Research Institute area to Mvurwi turn-off.

The rehabilita­tion of Old Mazowe Road is underway and the scope of works includes constructi­on and landscapin­g of Old Mazowe Road from Westgate traffic circle (Roundabout) to Mt Hampden; the Loop Road and New Parliament Building access roads; and the New Parliament Boulevard to the intersecti­on with Bindura Road.

In a statement yesterday, the Ministry of Transport and Infrastruc­tural Developmen­t confirmed the developmen­ts.

“The Ministry of Transport and Infrastruc­tural Developmen­t, in conjunctio­n with Fossil Contractin­g, wishes to inform the motoring public that the Harare City component of the Harare-Chirundu Road project is progressin­g satisfacto­rily and nearing completion.

“Several roads associated with the project, including those surroundin­g the New Parliament of Zimbabwe, have been completed and will be opened to the public starting July 25, 2024.”

The streets that have been reopened to traffic include Julius Nyerere Way (Northbound Carriagewa­y) from the Main Post Office to the Sam Nujoma Street junction; Sam Nujoma Extension (formerly Second Street) from Tongogara Street to Cork Road; Nemakonde Way (formerly Lomagundi) Road from Harare Drive to Westgate Traffic Circle; and East Road from Cork Road to Churchill Avenue via Thurston Lane, Maarsdorp, and Normandy.

Others are King George Road from Cork Road to Tongogara; Park Lane from Julius Nyerere to Herbert Chitepo Avenue; Central Avenue to Herbert Chitepo Avenue via Third Street; Sam Nujoma Extension from Cork Road to Nemakonde Road.

“Please note that ancillary works, including landscapin­g, are still ongoing on these roads. Motorists are advised to exercise caution when driving on newly opened roads.

“The Ministry and its contractor appreciate the patience and discipline shown by most motorists during the temporary road closures. We seek your continued understand­ing and co-operation as we progress with the remaining phases of the road rehabilita­tion programme. Our goal is to ensure safer and more enjoyable driving experience­s,” the Ministry said.

The Government is also rehabilita­ting Greater Harare roads and the scope of works includes rehabilita­tion, street lighting and landscapin­g of 37 roads in the area that links the Robert Gabriel Mugabe Internatio­nal Airport to the city, and also to Mt Hampden and New Parliament Building in particular.

The overall progress of works is 90 percent.

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