The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Pension revamp boosts SA retirement­s, Alexforbes says

- Bloomberg.

SOUTH Africa’s plan to allow savers early access to part of their pension funds will enable significan­tly better outcomes for retirees than what the current system does, Alexander Forbes Group Holdings said.

The law that starts September 1 will enable savers to contribute one-third of their savings into an account that’s accessible at any time, with the rest only available at retirement.

While the nation’s biggest insurer expects this to lead to a deluge of withdrawal­s in the near term, the preservati­on of the bigger portion means more savers can retire more comfortabl­y.

“For new members going forward, they’re expected to have a 2 to 2 1/2 times better retirement outcome,” Alexforbes Solutions Executive John Anderson said in a webinar yesterday, adding that this holds even if a client withdraws the maximum allowed from the accessible savings portion.

According to Momentum, only 6 percent of South Africans are able to enjoy a comfortabl­e retirement, with the rest unable to afford their current lifestyle when they reach that stage.

Data from the Organisati­on for Economic Co-operation and Developmen­t show the average South African can expect to earn only 16 percent of their working salary in retirement, compared with 88 percent in Brazil and 70 percent in Turkey.

As a result, South Africans have to rely on relatives for financial support or risk falling into retirement poverty.

The rule change also allows savers a oneoff opportunit­y to withdraw as much as R30 000 ($1 660) as the system changes. Alexforbes estimates that the industry will see outflows of about 1 percent to 2 percent, with total existing funds of as much as R100 billion.

Retailers will likely benefit because people often use these savings for consumptio­n purposes, Alexforbes Investment­s chief executive officer Ann Leepile said.

“We also expect some minimal benefit to accrue to building stocks” because people typically use the funds to repair and renovate their home, she said. —

 ?? ?? According to Momentum, only 6 percent of South Africans are able to enjoy a comfortabl­e retirement, with the rest unable to afford their current lifestyle when they reach that stage
According to Momentum, only 6 percent of South Africans are able to enjoy a comfortabl­e retirement, with the rest unable to afford their current lifestyle when they reach that stage

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