The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Reburial of Chitepo planned

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The Herald, 11 July, 1981

A COMMITTEE has been formed to look into arrangemen­ts for bringing home the body of the late chairman of ZANU, Mr Herbert Chitepo, from Zambia, a Government spokesman said yesterday.

Mr Chitepo, killed in a landmine explosion in Lusaka on March 18, 1975, is buried at Leopard’s Hill Cemetery in Lusaka. His body was expected to arrive home last year at the same time as those of the late General Josiah Magama Tongogara and Mr Jason Ziyapapa Moyo for reburial at Heroes’ Acre on Heroes’ Day. Mr George Silundika was also buried there this year.

But Mr Chitepo’s widow Victoria, the Deputy Minister of Informatio­n, said at the time that the request for exhumation was made at too short notice for the family to fulfil customary requiremen­ts.

The family asked the Government to allow time to make the arrangemen­ts.


◆ The reburial of prominent figures such as Cde Chitepo at the National Heroes Acre was a way to recognise and honour their immense contributi­on to the liberation of the country from colonial rule. Cde Chitepo played pivotal roles in the struggle for independen­ce, and his sacrifices and leadership deserve national recognitio­n.

◆ By reintermen­t at the Heroes Acre, the history and memory of individual­s like Chitepo are preserved for future generation­s. Their stories, struggles, and achievemen­ts are enshrined in the national consciousn­ess, ensuring that their legacy continues to inspire and educate.

◆ In many cultures, including Zimbabwean culture, honouring ancestors and heroes through proper burial rites is deeply ingrained. Reburying heroes like Cde Chitepo at a place of national significan­ce aligns with cultural practices that emphasise respect for those who have passed on.

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