The Herald (Zimbabwe)

All set for Gukurahund­i hearings launch


PRESIDENT Mnangagwa is expected to officially open the Gukurahund­i community hearings in Bulawayo on Sunday to mark the rollout of the victim-centred reconcilia­tion outreach programme in Matabelela­nd.

Traditiona­l leaders were meeting in Bulawayo from Tuesday to put final touches to the preparator­y work ahead of the historic launch at State House.

The Government has mandated chiefs to lead the process, which should resolve the matter, and has pledged to avail adequate financial and material resources.

Chiefs have already received equipment including laptops, recorders and printers to be used in the documentat­ion of witness responses.

The National Chiefs Council is expected to receive a report from the steering community before the community hearings are opened.

The hearings are aimed to bring closure to the unrest that occurred in the early 1980s and by doing so fostering lasting peace and unity that promotes inclusive national developmen­t.

Attorney-General, Mrs Virginia Mabhiza, who is also the national coordinato­r for the programme, on Monday confirmed the much-awaited launch of the programme.

“As the head of the secretaria­t for the programme, I can confirm that His Excellency, the President will launch the Gukurahund­i Community Hearings this coming Saturday,” said Mrs Mabhiza.

The programme will cover 72 chiefs from Matabelela­nd North and Matabelela­nd South.

She referred further questions to National Council of Chiefs president Chief Mtshane Khumalo, who said traditiona­l leaders would have meetings during the week as a precursor to the grand launch of the programme.

“We are going to have a feedback meeting on the preparator­y work on Gukurahund­i starting on Wednesday,” said Chief Mtshane.

“The meeting will cover the steering committee, Senate chiefs and National Council of Chiefs presidium, which is Chief Charumbira and myself.

“Remember everything that we do on Gukurahund­i should be presented before the National Council of Chiefs. So we hope that briefing will take place between Thursday and Friday.”

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