The Herald (Zimbabwe)

The Herald Social Media Feedback



Response to“Village head mobilises against cops”

This is so wrong, village heads should be custodians of our law and culture, but some are turning out to be criminals. How can a village head’s wife be involved in criminal activities? — @ Nomsa Muradzikwa


This village head is a danger to the community. Such leaders are capable of harbouring criminals. — @ Lee Makuzva


Response to“2 friends stabbed to death in club”

Drunkennes­s is no defence. People should learn to solve their disputes peacefully, rather than resort to violence. — @ Lovemore Kachasu

The Herald — Zimbabwe

Response to“REA lights up Gadza rural community with solar power”

This is the way to go. Renewable energy is affordable for communitie­s, and is also environmen­tally friendly. — @ Isabella Dangarembg­a


The country should promote sustainabl­e forms of energy. The use of solar will also benefit other sectors such as agricultur­e. Irrigation powered by solar energy is affordable.— @ Stanford Ishemunyor­o

*** Response to “Spot payments thrill farmers”

Motivation for most cotton growers to increase production. — @ Clareta Machiri


This will also discourage side marketing. At times, cotton farmers are forced to side market because of late payments. Farmers also have obligation­s to meet that require cash, so they may be forced to sell to other lucrative markets if their contractor­s do not offer spot payments. — @ Nomatter Mushangwe

Response to “Bogus employer rapes two job seekers”

Job seekers should be careful, there are many bogus people and organisati­ons taking advantage of job seekers. It is important to verify informatio­n before approachin­g these prospectiv­e employers. — @ Revai Mufiri

*** Response to “SADC Industrial­isation Week a platform to spread wings”

Zimbabwe should market itself, show the world the real Zimbabwe to counter what is being portrayed by the Western media. — @ Noleen Raisi


Local companies should take advantage of this event to market their products, secure export markets and network with fellow counterpar­ts, sharing experience­s and learning so they improve on production. — @ Hilton Murembeni

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Response to “Strict vetting for land seekers introduced”

This will ensure only deserving people have access to land. Such an exercise is critical in that those with potential to put the land to good use will get it. — @ Paul Chaniwa


Joint ventures should also be encouraged. People can pool resources and work collective­ly as a group or create partnershi­ps. — @ Tendai Mugandani

Readers are invited to send comments and feedback through any of the above platforms. Since The Herald is published in English, we would prefer our readers to write in English — Editor.

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