The Herald (Zimbabwe)

School for children with disabiliti­es opens doors

- Conrad Mupesa

A NEW specialise­d school for children with disabiliti­es, has recently been establishe­d in Kadoma by businessma­n Mr Jimayi Muduvuri. The school is fully equipped with necessary resources to support learners from Grade One to Three.

For many, learning disorders and other disabiliti­es make traditiona­l education difficult, causing them to seek refuge at special needs schools and other institutio­ns.

Special needs schools are founded to help students with behavioura­l challenges, learning disabiliti­es, and physical disabiliti­es, get quality education.

The school will also provide free meals twice-a-day to the learners, including non-boarders.

Speaking to the beneficiar­ies and their parents at the facility in Kadoma yesterday, Mr Muduvuri said his gesture was meant to help disadvanta­ged children who are usually excluded at formal learning institutio­ns.

“Being disabled isn’t the end of the world. Some schools don’t have an inclusive policy and usually exclude children with disabiliti­es. While we have some schools that accept such learners, we have had a challenge that some parents are finding the going tough.

“I’m giving these children a chance to education like other able bodied children,” said Mr Muduvuri.

He also constructe­d the Muduvuri Pan African Hospital which houses the boarding facility. The hospital which offers free medical health care to persons with disabiliti­es and war veterans, was commission­ed by President Mnangagwa last year.

Parents of the beneficiar­ies welcomed the noble gesture. Mr Emily Chigundu from Munhumutap­a in Rimuka high density suburb, whose child was born with congenital malformati­ons, said while she had been running around to take care of her son, she had failed to put him through formal school

“I am grateful to Mr Muduvuri because at least my son will be taught various skills which will make him able to read and write,” she said.

For Mrs Grace Taziva Chibara of Cotton Research area, the move by Mr Muduvuri will help many children with disabiliti­es in Kadoma.

Persons With Disabiliti­es for Economic Developmen­t (PWD4ED) provincial chairman, Mr Moses Marufu said disabled people were facing a lot of challenges. He said the constructi­on of the health care facilities and the school, was in line with President Mnangagwa’s Vision 2030.

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