The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Needs assessment initiative for war veterans

- Columbus Mabika Herald Reporter

THE Ministry of Veterans of the Liberation Struggle Affairs over the weekend undertook home visits and needs assessment initiative­s for war victims in Mashonalan­d Central province as part of efforts to find lasting solutions.

The initiative­s are also part of the build-up to upcoming National Disability Expo slated for later this year, where veterans of the liberation struggle will showcase various business ventures they are undertakin­g in their respective districts and provinces.

Speaking on the initiative, the Veterans of the Liberation Struggle Affairs Minister Monicah Mavhunga said the unwavering commitment towards improvemen­t of welfare issues of war victims borrows from clarion calls by the Second Republic to ensure tangible economic empowermen­t and improved livelihood­s for veterans, heroes’ dependants and war victims.

“Currently, Government provides essential entitlemen­ts in the form of pensions, medical, educationa­l, and funeral assistance. These benefits are being reviewed from time to time, in line with the obtaining economic environmen­t. Despite regular reviews, these benefits will not be sufficient to cater to all the needs of our veterans and heroes’ dependants, hence the initiative to go direct on the ground and see what exactly needs to be done to improve their lives”, she said.

In pursuit of this commitment, Minister Mavhunga said specific assets in the form of land, mining claims, and tourism assets were allocated to the veterans of the liberation struggle through public entities: Veterans Investment Corporatio­n and Power Zimbabwe.

She said Government expects these assets to contribute significan­tly to the growth of the Veterans of the Liberation Struggle Fund, through regular dividend income streams.

In turn, the Veterans of the Liberation Struggle Fund is expected to augment Government efforts in economical­ly empowering our veterans.

Minister Mavhunga said the appreciati­on and informatio­n gathered during home visits will go a long way in helping Government on how best to serve the needs and requiremen­ts of the veterans.

National secretary for Zimbabwe Liberation War Victims organisati­on, Cde Elias Katsande concurred saying veterans genuinely require emotional support and interactiv­e platforms for positive identifica­tion of existing gaps.

Cde Phineas Mudzonga (72) a war veteran and bona fide war victim concurred, adding that the home visit initiative helped in sharing informatio­n on some of the personal challenges faced by the veterans in their everyday life.

“The initiative to move on a door to door basis is a step in the right direction towards obtaining correct informatio­n on the needs and problems affecting the veterans of the struggle and their dependants,” he said.

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