The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Black Rhinos fined

- Sports Reporter

THE NORTHERN Region Soccer League (NRSL) have imposed a hefty fine on log leaders Black Rhinos after finding the army side guilty of misconduct following skirmishes that resulted in a referee being assaulted.

Rhinos were handed a US$4 000 for the troubled that ensued and resulted in referee Pride Benhura being assaulted during the soldiers’ league match against CC Lee Mhangura at.

The club was fined US$4 000 while coach and goalkeeper Nesbert Saruchera and Lenon Gonese were each fined US$1 500 and US$ 1 000 respective­ly for their conduct on June 16.

The club and their technical officials were arraigned before the NRSL disciplina­ry committee led by Wantson Chagwiza last week.

As a club, Black Rhinos, pleaded guilty to their charges, but denied allegation­s that their head coach Saruchera had invaded the pitch with the intention of assaulting Benhura and that he had eventually attacked the match official.

Having pleaded guilty to the charges, the NRSL disciplina­ry committee fined Black Rhinos US$4 000.

“The accused club appeared before the NRSL disciplina­ry committee facing charges of contravent­ion of Section D2 (2.1) of the NRSL and rules and regulation­s.

“The accused was duly represente­d by its chairman Colonel Edward Mutukwa, and secretary general, Lt Colonel Sympathy Buka.

“In brief, the allegation­s against the accused club are that on the 16th June at Mhangura Mine stadium, the accused club being a participan­t in a league match against CC Lee Mhangura committed acts of misconduct, which brought the game of football into disrepute through its members of the technical staff and players who invaded the field of play and assaulted the match referee Pride Benhura, in protest against the latter’s decision to award a penalty to the opposing team.

“The accused pleaded guilty to the charges through its aforementi­oned representa­tives. They, however, sought to qualify their plea of guilty by setting that the technical staff invaded the field of play and confronted the referee but did not assault him.

“The disciplina­ry committee took note of the position of the club and proceeded to accept the plea of guilty as tendered. This was so because of the charge the accused was facing is couched in very wide terms and proscribes any conduct which may result in the game of football being brought into disrepute.

“It is not confined to assault and violence only. We therefore returned of guilt against the accused,’’ the disciplina­ry committee said. Resultantl­y Rhinos were handed the hefty penalty.

“The accused club, Black Rhinos FC shall pay a fine in the sum of US$4 000 and meet the costs of the hearing.

“Payment shall be made within five (days of service of this ruling) on the accused club’.

“The accused club shall not be allowed to participat­e in an NRSL match until they have the paid the fine and costs of the hearing,” read part of judgment.

Veteran coach Saruchera also maintained his innocence despite being sanctioned. He claimed that in his 36-year involvemen­t with profession­al football he has never been found on the wrong side of the law.

But the disciplina­ry committee were not to swayed and still found Saruchera guilty of the charges levelled against him.

“Accused 1 (Saruchera shall pay a fine of US$1 500 and accused 2 (Lenon Gonese) shall pay a fine of US1 000,” lead the judgement.

Initial indication­s were that Rhinos players — Tatenda Mchisa, Prince Mutasa and Shylon Chikwengwe­rere — were also involved but the disciplina­ry committee cleared the trio of any wrongdoing.

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