The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Why India needs BRICS, Russia

- Alexey Kupriyanov —

WHEN British economist Jim o’Neill first coined the acronym BRIC in 2001, he likely did not anticipate that this linguistic quip would evolve into one of the most promising formats in recent history.

o’Neill simply noted common characteri­stics among major emerging economies and, unintentio­nally, uttered a self-fulfilling prophecy. But his words were heard clearly — and five years later, in June 2006, the economic ministers of Brazil, russia, India, and China, who gathered at the St Petersburg Internatio­nal economic Forum, brought the catchy term to life.

Thus, BRIC was born, and became BRICS after South Africa joined in 2010, before evolving into BRICS+ in 2024.

over the years, this new format, seemingly stitched together with a loose thread, has often been predicted to fail, but it has proven unexpected­ly resilient.

Its success has persisted despite geopolitic­al disagreeme­nts between two of the founding countries — China and India —whose troops have repeatedly clashed along the border in Himalayas. BRICS has also survived financial crises and the pandemic.

What is the secret to BRICS’ resilience? Perhaps it lies in its suitabilit­y for the new realities.

The era of alliances with mandatory membership and rigid commitment­s is over. The current global system requires new forms, prompting the creation of networked “coalitions of the willing.”

No obligation­s except those voluntaril­y assumed by each state, no restrictio­ns on participat­ion in other “coalitions of the willing,” no long-term demands.

The fact that you support a country on one issue does not mean you will support it on another.

Simple, clear, mutually beneficial interactio­n, and the absence of a military component all these contribute to the stability of BRICS. For India, BRICS+ membership is significan­t for several reasons.

Firstly, it provides a strong platform for increasing economic interactio­n with other emerging powers.

The Indian leadership views economic developmen­t as a necessary foundation for claiming great power status.

Currently, India is the world’s fifth-largest economy; barring serious cataclysms, in a couple of decades it will become the third largest and can aspire to a more significan­t role in the global governance system.

To realise this dream, India needs new investment, technology, and increased export revenues, which can only be achieved through enhanced economic partnershi­ps with other countries, including through financial and trade mechanisms within BRICS.

Secondly, it is a matter of status. For decades, India has persistent­ly sought a permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council.

In the eyes of the Indian political elite, the Council addresses key global issues —and India’s absence from it is a source of dissatisfa­ction.

Indeed, why is India inferior to the UK and France?

economical­ly and militarily, it surpasses them. It also possesses nuclear weapons, and is one of the UN’s founding members, having been among the victors of World War II.

or, as politician­s in New Delhi ask, is it simply that the ancestors of contempora­ry Brits and Frenchmen once organised mass plunder, destroying several ancient civilisati­ons and ensuring their economic growth and global hegemony with looted treasures? Where is the justice in that?

In other words, everyone seems to agree that India should be given a permanent seat on the Security Council. The problem is that when the UN was created, no one imagined that the Council would ever need to be reformed (at that time, decolonisa­tion as it later occurred seemed unlikely).

realising that it is unlikely to get a permanent seat on the Security Council, India decided to act differentl­y.

Given that the UN is in a perpetual crisis, New Delhi has bet on alternativ­e formats, including BRICS. The very compositio­n of BRICS allows it to be considered as the core of a future world architectu­re — if the Security Council fades away.

This suits New Delhi well: in such a case, it will be part of the core governing body of the new world order from the very beginning. Although permanent UN Security Council membership gives China a status advantage, in BRICS, Beijing and New Delhi communicat­e on equal terms.

This means that BRICS is quite suitable as a platform for negotiatin­g important issues directly with China — on the understand­ing that if necessary, the patron will pressure the client, and force Islamabad to make concession­s on matters important to New Delhi.

Thus, for India BRICS is extremely important — and for russia, India is a crucial part of BRICS.

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