The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Govt purchases equipment for road maintenanc­e

- Freeman Razemba Senior Reporter

STATE-OF-THE-ART road maintenanc­e equipment has been bought for the Government’s recently revived road maintenanc­e units countrywid­e to ensure consistent monitoring and maintenanc­e of all roads rehabilita­ted under the Emergency Road Rehabilita­tion Programme (ERRP2), as the Second Republic continues prioritisi­ng infrastruc­ture developmen­t.

The road maintenanc­e units fall under the Ministry of Transport and Infrastruc­tural Developmen­t.

All roads, even well-built new roads and rehabilita­ted roads, require regular maintenanc­e to ensure that they last and that small faults are quickly repaired before they worsen. Lack of maintenanc­e in the past is one of the reasons why some roads were so badly damaged.

Road constructi­on falls under the infrastruc­ture cluster and roads are regarded as key economic enablers in line with the vision of attaining an upper middle income society by 2030.In a statement, the Ministry of Transport and Infrastruc­tural Developmen­t confirmed the purchase of the equipment yesterday.

“The ministry is upgrading its maintenanc­e units in all provinces by procuring essential equipment for road maintenanc­e, including: seven 8-tonne trucks, tractors and mowers, water bowsers, brush cutters, pavement cutters, plate compactors, pedestrian rollers and pickup trucks, among others.

Delivery of this equipment is currently underway, enhancing our ability to maintain and improve our road infrastruc­ture,” reads the statement. The chairman of the Parliament­ary Portfolio Committee on Transport and Infrastruc­ture Developmen­t, Knowledge Kaitano, thanked the ministry and partners’ for the outstandin­g work.

He said the project has been done with excellence so far and encouraged consistenc­y.

Meanwhile, the reconstruc­tion of the Marondera-Wedza Road is progressin­g well, with surfacing currently underway while at the Mbudzi Interchang­e, priming is in progress on the Masvingo Road-Glen Norah loop road.

Work on the Mukuvisi River Bridge is progressin­g steadily along the Harare Drive missing link in Waterfalls and once completed, the ministry will be closing the junction of Masotsha Ndlovu Way and Simon Mazorodze Road for safety reasons, as it poses a risk to motorists. Constructi­on of Amalinda bridge is also currently underway and Government is also set to reconstruc­t Amalinda Road to make travel safer and more efficient for motorists.

Stabilisat­ion of the base is also underway on the Braeside Road, on the section from Malta Road to Chiremba Road (behind OK Mart) while the newly rehabilita­ted section of Braeside Road from Vitalis Zvinavashe traffic circle to Malta Road is now open to traffic.

Local contractor­s have also assured the Government that they will deliver quality work on all roads and infrastruc­tural projects assigned to them and to meet set out deadlines.

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