The Herald (Zimbabwe)

13 witnesses for Chimombe, Mpofu case

- Yeukai Karengezek­a Court Correspond­ent

THE bail hearing for two Harare businessme­n Mike Chimombe and Moses Mpofu, who are facing charges of defrauding the State of US$7 million continued yesterday with the leading investigat­ing officer from the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission (ZACC) telling the court that the prosecutio­n intends to lead 13 witnesses in the matter.

The State is alleging that Mpofu and Chimombe forged documents to win the tender of supplying goats under the Presidenti­al Goat Scheme.

They are being represente­d by Mr Arshiel Mugiya and Mr Tapson Dzvetero.

The investigat­ing officer Mr Henry Chapwanya said they had so far recorded six witness statements and they intended to record at least eight more.

Mr Chapwanya said for that reason, the accused should be denied bail as they may interfere with witnesses.

“The accused persons know most of the witnesses because they interacted with them during negotiatio­ns for the tender at the Ministry of Agricultur­e,” he said.

Prosecutor Mr Anesu Chirenje tendered documentar­y evidence in form of a memo that was circulated on social media by the accused persons stating that the money they were given by the Government for the project was around US$4 million equivalent.

This was contrary to the amount that was released by Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe which stated that it was US$7 million equivalent.

The matter continues today with cross examinatio­n of Mr Chapwanya by the defence lawyers.

It is the State’s case that the Ministry of Agricultur­e entered into a contract with the duo for the supply and delivery of 632 001 goats valued at US$87,7 million.

The court heard that between April and June 2022, the ministry transferre­d a total amount of Z$1.6 billion which is equivalent to US$7 712 197 into their bank account.

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