The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Govt distribute­s 51 000 tonnes of grain

- Mukudzei Chingwere Herald Reporter

A CUMULATIVE 51 415.02 tonnes of grain had been distribute­d to vulnerable and food insecure people by 25 June 2024 as Government takes all the necessary steps to ensure Zimbabwean­s are food secure.

This emerged yesterday when Cabinet received and noted a report on the Food Deficit Mitigation Strategy and Urban Transfer Programme that was presented by the Minister of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare July Moyo.

Informatio­n Publicity and Broadcasti­ng Services Minister Dr Jenfan Muswere said after yesterday’s Cabinet that people in both rural and urban areas are benefiting from the programme.

“Cabinet advises that grain distributi­on increased during the week beginning 20 June 2024,” said Dr Muswere.

The distributi­on was done as follows, Manicaland 7 780.64 tonnes, Mashonalan­d Central 5 891.09 tonnes, Mashonalan­d East 5 207.06 tonnes, Mashonalan­d West 6 078.17 tonnes, Masvingo 10 243.25 tonnes, Matabelela­nd North 3 215.13 tonnes, Matabelela­nd South 4 803.48 tonnes and Midlands 7 845.30 tonnes.

“A total of 2 816.80 tonnes has been collected to date across all provinces under the Zunde RaMambo/Isiphala Senkosi programme.

“Cabinet advises that all the people benefiting from the Food Deficit Mitigation Strategy and Urban Transfer Programme in both rural and urban areas will be expected to participat­e in public works programmes,” said Dr Muswere.

Meanwhile, Cabinet also received and approved a request to amend the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) National Structures which was presented by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Internatio­nal Trade Ambassador Fredrick Shava.

Dr Muswere said in 2023 then Secretary for Foreign Affairs and Internatio­nal Trade Ambassador James Manzou, who is now a Commission­er in the Public Service Commission, was appointed the African Peer Review Mechanism Focal Point Person, representi­ng President Mnangagwa at the African Union.

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