The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Nicaragua opens embassy in Harare

- Herald reporters

ZIMBABWE and Nicaragua continue to enjoy bilateral relations, rooted in solidarity, particular­ly in the fight against unilateral coercive measures imposed on both countries by some Western countries.

This has culminated in Nicaragua opening an embassy in Harare yesterday at a ceremony attended by diplomats and senior Government officials.

Nicaragua, set between the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea, is a Central American nation known for its dramatic terrain of lakes, volcanoes and beaches.

The national capital is Managua, which is home to about one-sixth of the population.

Addressing delegates, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Internatio­nal Trade, Sheila Chikomo, said the opening of the embassy also symbolised Nicaragua’s increased foreign policy focus on Africa.

“The Government of Zimbabwe continues to hold Nicaragua and its principled leadership in very high esteem and will always cherish the strong bonds of friendship that exist between the two countries and the people,” she said.

“The two countries enjoy long-standing relations and have a lot in common. I want to assure you that Zimbabwe will continue calling for the removal of unilateral coercive measures imposed on the two countries.

“Notwithsta­nding this shared trajectory, our bilateral economic, technical and cultural cooperatio­n is still to reach the level we both would want it to be at. The opening of the Embassy could not have thus come at a better time.”

Deputy Minister Chikomo said the new embassy opened up many possibilit­ies for deepening and broadening trade and commercial exchange through the promotion of investment opportunit­ies, the establishm­ent of cooperatio­n in scientific and technical fields, and the creation of people-to-people linkages through collaborat­ions in the domains of culture and tourism.

“I would like, therefore, to take this opportunit­y to reiterate Zimbabwe’s commitment, availabili­ty and readiness to deepen and expand our cooperatio­n with Nicaragua for the mutual benefit of our two countries and people,” she said.

Ambassador of Nicaragua to Zimbabwe, Nadeska Cuthbert, said the opening of the embassy was not merely the establishm­ent of a physical presence, but a testament to the historical friendship and partnershi­p between the two countries

“Our nation, though geographic­ally distanced, shared a common history of struggle for independen­ce, self-determinat­ion, resilience and a commitment to forging a brighter future for our people,” she said.

“Nicaragua and Zimbabwe have made remarkable progress, driven by the principles of social justice, human developmen­t, economic empowermen­t, infrastruc­tural transforma­tion and environmen­tal sustainabi­lity. We have continued to strengthen our cooperatio­n with innovation­s, technology and alliances in potential important sectors such as agricultur­e, mining, education and health care,” she said.

 ?? — Picture: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Internatio­nal Trade ?? Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Internatio­nal Trade Sheila Chikomo (second from right) assists Nicaragua Ambassador to Zimbabwe Ms Nadeska Imara Cuthbert Carlson (right) in cutting the ribbon at the official opening of the Embassy of Nicaragua while director Protocol, Mr Livit Mugejo (left), Deputy Dean of Diplomats Rwandan Ambassador James Musoni (second from left) and Secretary for Foreign Affairs and Internatio­nal Trade Ambassador Albert Chimbindi look-on in Avondale, Harare, yesterday.
— Picture: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Internatio­nal Trade Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Internatio­nal Trade Sheila Chikomo (second from right) assists Nicaragua Ambassador to Zimbabwe Ms Nadeska Imara Cuthbert Carlson (right) in cutting the ribbon at the official opening of the Embassy of Nicaragua while director Protocol, Mr Livit Mugejo (left), Deputy Dean of Diplomats Rwandan Ambassador James Musoni (second from left) and Secretary for Foreign Affairs and Internatio­nal Trade Ambassador Albert Chimbindi look-on in Avondale, Harare, yesterday.

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